Blog 9

Statistical Theories

In practise, statistical theories are used to incorporate the concepts of probability and hypothesis into experiences and experimentation. By defining the events and identifying the factors influencing the events, the concept of probability is applied to the practice of statistical inquiry from an epistemological standpoint (Hacking, 1999). The main concept of putting statistical theory into practice is experimentation and data collection from specific experiments to determine a general rule for how the processes in question work. Numbers of specific occurrences of specific types for the tested hypothesis represent the set of the probability of that occurrence in the fields of chemistry, physics, or biology, for example.

a particle collider's total number of diverse types of particles following collisions, a reaction's various chemical component concentrations, or a population of various bacterial species. On the other hand, in the social sciences, statistical methods are used in studies of communities and various populations to gain insight into how social processes are operating for the population or community being examined, such as economic, cultural, or psychological tendencies of various populations (Agresti, 2013). For the former, the statistical analysis performed may appear to produce precise probabilistic distribution regulations. However, in the latter, the biases inherent in the formulation of hypotheses or the interpretation of probability distributions tend to be more pronounced.

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