adding music/Editing Audio

Music and Sound Effects

In Adobe Premiere Rush you can add music and/or sound effects to your video.

Adding Music and/or Sound Effects

You can add music or sound effect using the Media Browser and adding the files as new Media. You can use music/sound effects you have downloaded, or use one of the free soundtracks available through Adobe Premiere Rush. Free soundtracks can be found under Rush Soundtracks in the Media Browser.

To add music/sound effects:

  • Position the playhead where you want the music or sound to begin
  • Open the media browser and select the music or sound file you want to add

Detailed instructions for adding music and sound effects

Editing Audio

You may want to adjust audio in your video including voice overs, music and sound effects. Audio options let you do things like make audio louder or softer, reduce background noise and enhance speech. You can edit all audio using the Audio panel.

Detailed instructions for adjusting audio