Week Three

Almost half way through my time here! Enjoy some updates!


Another week of school in the books! this past week was "Puerto Rican Week" and each day there was some sort of sale, themed wear, or performace.

This past past week was special in 7th grade because we went on a field trip to Old San Juan, one of my favorite places to go! All students at the school are required to take a Puerto Rican History class and part of the class included a trip to Museo de Las Americas. Veronica and I were lucky enough to come along! The museum is very large and has many rooms with different parts of history.

In addition to the field trip in 7th grade, we spent the week reviewing for the students' test on Friday, leading up to the full week of Thanksgiving break! One of the days we played a Trash ball game, just like I remember doing in middle school! They played boys vs girls and it is so funny to see the behavior of the two, the boys are bouncing off the walls and the girls are very chill! I made the students' test and they all did great.

In 12th grade, the students continued learning about tissues. The class is a more lecture style and my co-op has been teaching a majority of their classes. They also had a field trip on Friday to a coffee farm!

The students at the museum. There is only 25 students in their grade!

San Juan National Historic Site

The tour was in spanish, I just enjoyed being with the kids!

Plaza las Americas Mall

weekly palm tree pic


  • This past week on Tuesday night, I went to Young Life Puerto Rico! Young Life is a high school and middle school Christian Ministry. I am a leader at home and lovee it! Before I even came here, I searched for YL here and reached out to them to see if I could visit one of their clubs. They were super welcoming and said I could come to anything I would like. It was a lot of fun to be there and to connect with the leaders and students. I even made note of some new games to bring back home!

  • I went to the local mall, Plaza Las Americas and it was beautiful. I set out to find a swimsuit but was met by sweaters and winter clothes. It was quite confusing because it is well into the 90s here, but many of the stores are chain stores so I guess it is just part of the inventory!

Young Life Club

I am looking forward to the full week of Thanksgiving Break and am excited for new adventures!