Week Six

Wrapping up my last full week of school! It is hard to believe that student teaching is coming to an end and someday soon I will have my own classroom with my own students!!

rip froggy


This week the seniors had a test and reviewed by a Jeopardy game. I enjoyed creating and hosting the game. They get very competitive and argue with each other in spanish so I don't always know what they are saying! They also looked at their cheek cells under the microspe. it is unfortunate that becuase of covid they missed some of their 10th grade biology and haven't had a lot of experience with the microscope. They wrapped the week up with a frog dissection which they were very excited about. They look like doctors in their lab coats and it was fun to watch them guide themselves through the procedure.

They loved to pose with their frogs.

cheek cell slides

See how much you know from this Jeopardy! The link is embedded.

The 7th graders worked on an amusement park project all week. They wrapped up their Levels of Organization unit with this project instead of taking a test. They created a brochure highlighting different attractions based on either organs or organ systems in an organism. They have to "sell" it to us by a presentation and persuaded us onto why we should visit their musement park. I think they have a lot of fun creating them and some even hand drew their attractions!

Digestive Dungeon!.pdf

Check out some of the students' projects!

Anatomy Park - final.pdf

T-Mobile District

Highlights of the week:

  • We went to the "T-Mobile District" which is like a mall with restuarants and entertainment. THey even have an indoor rock-wall and adventure park.

  • We went surfing! I have surfed when I was in 7th grade and remember it was pretty hard so I had to give it another try. The water was pretty rough but I definately tapped my feet on the board a couple times :)

  • The seniors particiapted in a "parranda" which is kind've like a Christmas carol. They rented a school bus and about 30 of them traveled to numerous houses (ours included) to sing songs. It was so fun to see them and I even knew one of the songs from high school spanish class!!

Veronica, me, and Alex about to catch some waves.

La Pared Beach

the Seniors' parranda

weekly palm pic :)