Week Seven

This is my last full week here in Puerto Rico, and only 2 days left with the students!

The 7th graders made me notes and attached them as a poster. They said it is foldable for the plane, they are so sweet!


We finished presenting projects and had a Christmas Party with our homerooms. We watched Home Alone and had lots of snacks! It was fun to share time with the students before they went to break, they all said how much they will miss me, and I will miss them the same! They started break on December 14th which is a lot earlier than in the states. They also celebrate Three Kings Day on January 6th so they don't return until January 11th. It's quite the long break!

Our homeroom, 7-2.

My mentor teacher and I via Polaroid!

They rode the zipline laying on their stomach!

Highlights of the week:

My mom, aunt, and family friend came to visit once school was over. They visited some beaches, snorkeled, took a day trip to Vieques, visited Old San Juan, had some yummy meals, and more! One of their highlights was riding one of the longest ziplines in North America, the Monster at ToroVerde. It is 1.5 miles long!

View from ToroVerde

Church in Old San Juan

Another church in Old San Juan

Snorkeling at Sun Bay Beach on the island of Vieques.

Old San Juan

Sun Bay Beach, Vieques

It had been raining a lot more lately but made for some beautiful rainbows!

One of my favorite parts of living in PR was seeing the chicken family in our neighborhood every day. This picture is just some of the. I will miss them.