Week Five

I have just finished up week five and only have one more full week at the school! Time flew this second half of my time here and it is hard to believe it is already December!


The 7th graders learned about the Levels of Organization in the body including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. They learned how these parts continue to build on eachother when grouped. The students learned a lot about cells in weeks prior, so I had them do a mini-research project on tissues given a type of tissue in either an animal or plant. The students also made organs using tissue boxes. I gave them an organ and they researched the types of tissues within that organ as well as the organ's function and location in the body. They are so creative and were very diligent in their box/organ making! We also explored the major organ systems in our bodies and brainstormed how we can take care of them. The students will be doing a final project next week so they will accumulate their knowledge then!

The 12th graders continued to learn about the integumentary system. In addition to their lectured-styled class, they researched the importance, and different information on sunscreen. They also learned about how fingerprints are formed as well as their importance in forensic cases. They are getting anxious about college applications and are starting to get acceptance letters, I am excited to learn where they end up!

I get asked a lot when I have to leave and the students get sad when I tell them that I leave when they do for Christmas break! I tell them I would stay, but I remind them that I have to graduate in May!

Highlights of the week:

  • I went to my favorite beach, Balneario Puntas Salinas

  • I finally tried a popular sandwich place, El Meson. There is one right near the school, it was yummy!

  • The pastor from the church we go to invited us over for lunch. It was very nice getting to talk to them, they live in a beautiful house in Dorado.

Balneario Puntas Salinas

El Meson Sandwich