5 Major Components of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence, also known as Emotional Quotient, is all about channelizing your emotions and sentiments in the positive directions. A person's emotional inclination defines his/her personality. There are many instances when the decisions taken by a person are more influenced emotionally than logically. Emotions are what makes a person and somehow ends up being his/her identity. Gone are the days when abstract things like emotions, feelings, or sentiments were not given much importance. However, with the growing importance and priority to mental awareness and mental health, people have started to understand the gravity of these elements for survival with sound health. People have now realized the major components of emotional intelligence and its dire need in personal as well as professional.

The world is grateful to have the internet now because with various users from different fields coming under one platform causing a rampant exchange of ideas, is a boon to this generation. These were latent physical elements that were often ignored or missed while a full-body scan. A person's personality is all about his/her emotional, social, and mental quotient. Even in personality development courses, these mental skills are in high demand. People get intimidated by people who are high in emotional and social quotient and hence they leave no stone unturned in overpowering the other, but little do they know it is self-effort mixed.

To bring more sense to this article, here are certain major components of emotional intelligence:


This proverb works effectively for any skill associated with personality development, “you can take a horse to the river, but you cannot make it drink”. The entire process of personality development works under this phenomenon. Until and unless a person self-realizes and takes the responsibility to change him/herself, every external force and effort will be futile. A person should always make room for realization and this only comes via self-awareness. Keeping yourself updated about pretty much everything and realizing where you stand now is important. When you are self-aware, you would never allow anyone else to look down upon or belittle you. You come to terms with your abilities and talents when understanding the true meaning of self-awareness.


self regulation, components of emotional intelligence

Be your critic! The whole idea of regulating oneself depends on how aware you are about your mistakes and lesson learned thereafter. When you self-regulate and correct yourself when you commit a mistake is a sign of a great personality. This also means accepting and taking responsibility for the wrong that has already been done.


Motivation is the push, the zeal you require to fulfill a task. It could be anything, anyone, any sign, signal, or any force that inspires and pushes you to act on it. If you are alert, you can derive motivation from the whole universe. A person with a great personality is one who gets motivated and also motivates others surrounding him/her. Emotional intelligence is all about keeping your mind motivated to delve deeper into your interests. A motivated mind is always active and creative.


Understanding where you should be empathetic is a blessing in disguise. Some realize discover it with experience while some pick up on the way when they witness their family and friends while some are born with it. To keep yourself in the shoes of another distressed being is known as empathy. It has everything to do with a good and healthy personality. Unfortunately, it has become tough to identify truly empathetic people, because most do it just for the sake of maintaining a social image. Kindness and empathy functions silently!


Some basic social skills are communication, connection, stability, understanding, empathy, consent, and privacy. These are some that are going to be relevant forever. It is almost impossible to survive without knowing or understanding these for the starters. Even a person who chooses not to be social has to, communicate, and socialize at some point in their lives, whether personal or professional, it is inevitable. Social skills are a necessary evil that cannot be avoided. A person's growth and development of emotional and other bits of intelligence greatly depend on the efficacy of their social skills. Society is a great teacher; it all depends on how alert are we!

It is high time personality development course is given its due credit. The need for the skills to strengthen personality not only makes a person smart but alert and self-aware. The major components of emotional intelligence provoke a person to invest more in cognitive thinking, something they had not discovered before this. The reason it is considered a survival skill is not only to tackle social prejudice but also from literal dangers that are lurking in the world. "Stitch in time saves nine", goes very well with this explanation.