A human being is made up of both emotional and rational views with one overpowering the other. It is not possible to see the world through one lens- you have to keep changing and adjusting your lenses according to changing times. No situation or circumstance can be judged with just one parameter, it would need several aspects of scrutinization. Therefore, it is not easy to choose social intelligence over emotional intelligence or vice versa. People are attracted towards anything that has an emotional connection to it rather than rationally checking the thing or object for what it is. The constant conflict between social intelligence vs. emotional intelligence has made it clear as to how it is an important part and parcel of life choices.

Social intelligence is our way of presenting our best self to the world whereas emotional intelligence is our personal growth of mental and emotional strength. Both these qualities have a very thin line of difference-the benefits they bring is an important aspect of establishing strong and effective connections in society. They are different yet they are inter-related and inter-dependent-one cannot survive without the other.

One has to level up their emotional quotient or emotional intelligence so that they can effectively act upon their social intelligence. A person should be bestowed with the best of both worlds to learn the ways of life.

Here are certain differences to support the motive of the article on social intelligence vs emotional intelligence:


self awareness

Self-awareness in emotional intelligence refers to the concentration of self's emotions to act wisely while in social intelligence it emphasizes working over emotional needs so that you can project it on the social setting.



It is an important aspect of emotional intelligence because one has to work and gather guts and patience for themselves. It is all about recovering after a setback while in social intelligence it is more about accepting the differences in opinion and yet tolerating it.


positive outlook

Emotional intelligence promotes and encourages a positive outlook on life and relationships so that the person can exercise their peace of mind. Social intelligence uses this positive outlook to judge and make verdicts in society that might directly or indirectly affect the person.


relationship management

Emotional Intelligence vouches for self-sustenance and mental peace and so it cancels out the views and opinions harming the self-esteem and confidence of a person. The very same relationship management works entirely differently for social intelligence. Social Quotient aims at improving human relations and calls for avoiding conflict of ideas to prevail peace and harmony in the community.



Emotional Intelligence is an intrapersonal skill whereas Social Intelligence refers to interpersonal skills. One functions solely for the greater good of the individual while the other works for the welfare of many individuals.



Social Intelligence is a broader concept as it is a chain reaction. The behavior we project on society and the reflection it shows is considered the power of connection between man/woman and society. If the social quotient is high, then there are good chances that the individual has a cordial relationship with everyone and hence promotes peace. While in the case of emotional intelligence, it is not as deep and broad as social but yet an integral part as it stresses self-development in the totality.



The perspectives and ideologies for emotional intelligence are for the long run meaning it has a farsighted approach, but social norms can change anytime, and thus acting according to the needs and demands of the present times is the only wise thing to be done.



Emotional Intelligence does not need teamwork, but it can groom itself for teamwork in the future. Social Intelligence is the only thing that binds a team together for better understanding and approach.

Human beings react according to the situation and when they do it is seldom social intelligence vs. emotional intelligence but moreover, the two combined. Personality development classes are efficient in creating the differences and yet conclude combinedly that is necessary for the survival of humankind.