5 Key Self-Esteem Activities for Kids

Self-esteem seems to be so uncommon these days that we need various activities to build up the moral that lacks in this world of ours. Statements that make you less of yourself or your child is seen in the light that your child would be having less confidence in what they can accomplish.

Statements such as " I'm never going to fare better than the rest"." I can't get good grades".etc. If these statements sound familiar and your kid often reflects and addresses in a habit that represents poor self-worth, then you are not alone. Parents have to administer their child’s self-esteem problems at one point or another in their lives through self-esteem activities for kids. Like in the famous words of Buddha-- "You, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

For a child, these words would be out of reach. And, as a parent needs to address certain co-nations of theirs by making them understand the value they embed through the sayings they give out. A child must believe good about themselves always in any circumstances. Statistics have noted that children with low self-esteem manage to accomplish below their actual potential in school and make bad judgments in social circumstances. And through personality development skills the self-esteem which is lacking can be build to reach their maximum potential.

Here, in this article, we would come across certain activities that a parent must justify catering to the needs of our children:

  1. Organizing for a Journey

The skill that needs to be in focus: Self-sufficiency

Instill self-confidence in your child by assisting them to exercise independence and self-sufficiency. Before you go on your subsequent family journey, direct your child to carry their bag and let them pack it as well. Once they have packed for the journey, review whether the bag has been properly packed with the essentials in place and if not aid them to recall about items they need and would have missed out. Instead of saying, "You have forgotten your brush!" make it a bit better " How will you brush your teeth?".

2. Attention

The skill that needs to be in focus: Make a child feel special

From the above when the child has done the needed as above. Praise your child when they have done a good job and also for examining and understanding the needful. Tell your children you are proud of them when they put a lot of work into anything they do. Give recognition and report to them that they are unique and different.

Also read: Benefits of Self Awareness

3. Develop a Recipe

The skill that needs to be in focus: Learning from Mistakes

Encourage your child to see blunders they have made as education and training opportunities, not the mistakes they have made. Considerately aid them in the mistake they make by urging them to know what the mistake they have made. Inventing or developing a recipe such as a simple cake with your eyes on them. Have them write down an ingredient list and the amounts for each item. Control the method so nothing serious is ingested, but do not intervene or stop them, let them be confident. Even if your child adds something unique to the recipe, let them explore. After you guys have done with the cooking, understand the test batch and let your child know the mistakes.

4. Daily Success Journal

The skill that needs to be in focus: However small the success it maybe let know the accomplishment they have done

  • Every child has times where they feel great about themselves and times where they don't. Assist them in certain development areas with some consistency in concrete self-talk with a regular success journal.

  • Have your child choose the preferred journal which he or she fancies. Alternatively, your kid can build a digital journal in a technology-driven world.

  • Every night before your child goes off to bed, they must write down what they have accomplished. It can be small but let them write them down.

  • Promote a center on little achievements in appreciation to the big ones. For example, a kid could even jot down, "Helped out my friend write A B C, helped my teacher with her books, or Helped my game win an award."

Also read: Ways to develop a strong personality

5. Float Your Boat

The skill that needs to be in focus: Problem-Solving

Problem-solving individually is one of the best self-esteem activities. Give your child a clear ended challenge and make them think ways to generate answers to the problem which they face. One excellent exercise is to provide your child with some items from your home and let them build various things maybe get sorts of items that will make them think.

Self-esteem Activities for kids have been the best way for your child to believe in their capacity to subdue their blunders and perform responsibilities all on their own. Through training courses for personality development for kids offered by some of the best institutes in India, we would be able to unlock every child’s inner-confidence, these activities will provide you with a good starting point.