Iconic Gadgets in the ’90s That Shaped Modern Technology

Photo by Ravi Palwe on Unsplash

Change is the only constant thing in this world. Before all the newest Android phones that we know today, gadgets started from the iconic ones in the 90s. Basically, technology is continuously emerging; from Walkman to AirPods, we cannot help but express how time flies so fast. The gadgets in our pockets now are like what they had before if you will look closely at the comparisons. Similarly, some of the most creative and game-changing inventions from just a few decades ago have evolved into futuristic versions of themselves.

Even before the technology progressed in its peak, 90s kids also had iconic gadgets that made their childhood unforgettable. The 90s presented some of the early iterations of technology that changed our daily lives. If you want to reminisce some good old memories or are just curious about what kind of technology they had before, here are some of the throwbacks of iconic 90s tech or gadgets:

Game Boy

Game Boy is probably the most iconic game gadget of its time. Technically, Game Boy was released in 1989, but its popularity soared in the 1990s. It was created by the same team that created the Game & Watch series, and it has built-in games such as Tetris and Super Mario. Game Boy is the first handheld game device that uses a video game cartridge as the on and off slide switch. Cartridge slot are at the top, and there is a volume knob on the right side and a similar knob on the left side for adjusting the contrast. Additionally, Game Boy has four main controls and a directional pad for playing games labeled "A," "B," "SELECT," and "START."


If you were a 90's kid, you were probably responsible for the death of the tiny, pixelated monsters called Tamagotchi. Originally from Japan, Tamagotchi gave birth to the virtual pet craze. Before Facebook’s Pet Society, this little egg-shaped device taught children some important facts about life. These include being a caring and nurturing person to their virtual pets. This device beeps at real-time intervals, encouraging players to feed, clean up, and discipline their pets.


Before the modern-day SMS and other messaging apps such as Viber, Telegram, and Messenger, back then, there was a tiny device carried around, which is called a pager. It will alert you, so you always had to be reachable, but only in an archaic and indirect way. After someone calls you, you must find a payphone or telephone to call back.

Nokia 5110

In the 90s, cell phones were far from today's ubiquitous devices. When they first arrived, they were bulky and, thanks to high costs, a bit of a rarity as far as public adoption was concerned. This began to change only towards the end of the decade, thanks to those Nokia bricks that we all loved so much. Moreover, it gave birth to the classic game “Snakes.”

Indeed, the only thing that is constant in technology is change. The famous and iconic gadgets before became the blueprint of what we have now, and we may never know; maybe the devices we have now will also become the blueprint of the future technology. Make sure to be well informed on how technology progresses and its underlying risk as well with a reliable and fast internet like Streamtech an uninterrupted internet experience!