What are the Benefits of the Open Access in Data Transmission Act?

Photo by zhengzaishuru on iStock

Since there is an impeding need to speed-up internet connectivity in the country, legislators pushed for the passage of the so-called Open Access in Data Transmission Act. Basically, this will hasten all the information technology efforts and infrastructure in our country.

Thus, below are some of the benefits of this open access bill to the Philippines:

Market Entry Will Be Easier

Since the bill aims to lower the barriers to market entry, this means that those new internet providers in the Philippines will have greater chances of entering and booming in the market. Unlike before wherein the telecommunications industry is dominated by only two big companies, smaller players will be able to penetrate and provide services to the people. Consequently, more and more people will benefit from several service providers available.

Sharing of Infrastructure

Once the bill was passed, it will also promote the sharing of infrastructure by different service providers. This has been a problem for a very long time. Since smaller players don’t have their own infrastructures yet, owning and building one will cost them a lot. This conflicts with their models, most especially if there are only a few individuals who will avail of the service in a specific area. Now, with shared infrastructure, the cost of doing such service will be drastically cut and they will be able to provide the needs of the people. Moreover, the cost of such services won’t have to soar up high in the sky since the capital expenditures are much lower.


This bill also seeks to provide more Filipinos with better internet access. That is why it encourage the expansion of service to the whole Philippines. Thus, being connected will not only be concentrated on cities but everyone will experience better service.

In conclusion, once this Open Access Bill was passed, the people will benefit from the principles espoused by it. And newer entrants like Streamtech Fiber Internet will get the chance to maximize its opportunities across the nation. Now, more people will get access to affordable home fiber plans and cable-internet bundles. All will have the chance to experience an upgraded internet connectivity!