Midweek Communion is now on the first Wednesday of the month
Easter services:
Wednesday in Holy Week, 9:30am: Holy Communion
Good Friday, 2:00pm: Reflection
Easter Day, 9:15am: Communion
Friday 4 - Tuesday 8 May: Our Flower Festival this year was on the theme of 'Hymns and Psalms'; Songs of Praise at 6:00pm on Friday 4 May followed by hot dogs(Flower Festival planning meeting on Monday 19 February, 2:30pm in the hall)
Sunday 21 January: guest preacher Rev Steve Weatherly-Barton from Gosberton Baptist; pulpit swap as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Saturday 10 March, 6 for 6:30pm: Quiz Night, including supper, £7
Friday 2 March, 10:30am: Women's World Day of Prayer: "All God's Creation is very good" prepared by the Christian women of Suriname
Snaps from this year's Flower Festival on the theme 'Hymns & Psalms'