
A simple list of previous vicars of St Paul's with notes abridged and adapted from the booklet 'St Paul's Church, Spalding Through the Ages' written by Lisa Tyrrell.

Rev Capt Paul Whiteley (2018 - 2021)

St Paul's church welcomed Rev Capt Paul Whiteley, CA, serving the congregation and community, from 2018 - 2021.  Paul has also been associate minister at Deeping St Nicholas and has served at St John's until 2018; Paul completed his ordination training while at St Paul's. He moved to All Saints, Paston in May 2021

Rev John Bennett [St Mary & St Nicolas] 25 March 2010 [- 27 February 2012]

Summary awaited

John moved from St Mary & St Margaret's church and St Cuthbert's church, Sprowston, in 2010, to St Mary & St Nicolas, Spalding.  Rev John retires 30 June 2024

Rev Mike Chesher 27 February 2012 - 28 October 2016

Mike joined St Paul's (and St Mary & St Nicolas) in 2012 from Walpole St Peter where he had experience of a roof restoration. Coupled with his experience of the building trade, Mike continued with the restoration works. Various trials and ventures included running a Messy Church or two and starting a small choir and drama group; Mike even purchased a minibus to help in his ministry.

On 24 April 2014 at a special service at St Paul's, Mike was licensed as Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Spalding St Paul and Curate in Charge of the Parish of Weston


Rev David Maylor 12 November 1994 – 27 January 2007

Moving from his curacy in Wigan, Rev Maylor had already enjoyed time teaching Science in Kenya.  With his wife, Kim, and five children, his work in Spalding was at first split between St Paul’s and as secondary schools chaplain.  With the growth in the congregation, he became full time at the church.

David came as an evangelical to a church which has a rich past reflecting both catholic and ‘low’ traditions.  During his time, many young families and children have worshipped at St Paul’s, enjoying the informal culture with a mix of modern songs of praise, informal liturgies, involvement of lay people, extempore prayer and sharing of testimonies.

He writes that ‘the key thing is to be faithful’ rather than ‘successful’, keeping Jesus Christ at the centre of Church life, following the guidance of Scripture.  David moved on to St George's, Stamford.

Rev Canon Tim Barker [St Mary & St Nicolas 1998] - 19 July 2009

Tim’s title was served in Nantwich, then parish priest at Runcorn in 1983.  He was asked to serve as Chester Diocesan Urban Officer, then their first Diocesan Communications Officer followed by time as the bishop’s chaplain, which Tim saw as supporting roles.  He moved to St Mary & St Nicolas, Spalding, in 1998 and became priest in charge at St Paul's from January 2007, with Rev Vaughan Pollard as associate vicar. Tim was appointed Archdeacon of Lincoln in 2009 and then moving in November 2015 to become Dean of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, Priest in charge of Sark and the Rector of St André de la Pommeraye.

Rev'd Leslie C Acklam 1985 – 1993 

Born in Hull, Leslie worked for the Midland Bank.  He had been involved with his local church, St George’s, Marfleet and enjoyed parish weekends away, notably at Wydale Hall.  His response to the call to the priesthood was interrupted by studying English with Theology at Worcester and becoming a Secondary School RE specialist.  His ordination was at Chelmsford cathedral in 1980, serving his title as curate at St Anne’s, Chingford Hatch.  He was then invited by Revd Christopher Lewis to join him at St Mary & St Nicolas, Spalding, arriving in their 700th anniversary celebrations in 1983.  Plans were made to form a group ministry, which in turn helped with the running of the busy ‘Jigsaw’ children’s group.

Community renovation programmes in the Royce Road area were influenced by Leslie’s Resident’s Association. He became a founding member of the Spalding branch of MIND.

After a sabbatical which included time with a community of Benedictine monks in the remote Charma Canyon in New Mexico, Revd Acklam moved to St Faith’s, Lincoln, latter combined with the post of ecumenical chaplain on the Lincoln University campus.

Rev'd Canon Douglas A Cowling 23 May 1961 – 30 April 1984

Rev'd Cowling and his wife Margaret arrived with their daughter Janet, who was later married at St Paul’s.  With Margaret’s funeral here in 1989, the church has been a very large part of his life. Canon Cowling tried to make the church a homely, welcoming as well as holy place, keeping the church open all day. The annual flower festival at St Paul’s was begun to coincide with Spalding’s flower parade.  The Young Mother’s Club and Ki-ro, a young people’s group, met regularly. A peal of bells were rung in Canon Cowling’s honour at his retirement.  He wrote: “I have always had faith in St Paul’s church, though sometimes a much tried faith! My faith and work have not been to try and make it into a conventional town church, for our situation and circumstances made that impossible, but to try and help us become a church in our own right and in our own way, a church that is centred on a cheerful, joyful yet serious Eucharistic worship, a church full of new life, a true community of the resurrection, centred on the living Lord, Jesus Christ.”

 Revd Dennis H Nichols 1957 – 1961

With Matins on alternate Sundays at 11am, Revd Nichols introduced a Parish Mass at 9:15am every Sunday; the 11am Matins congregation dwindled shortly afterwards.

New altar frontals and vestments were received during this time.  The church hot air heating system was badly in need of replacement; an early underfloor electric system was tried but wasn’t considered very successful.  

Revd Arthur Cadwallander Davies BA 1952 – 1957

Revd Davies was born in Welshpool, Montgomeryshire, was schooled at Colwyn Bay before attending Bangor University and then Wells Theological College.  He served his curacy at St Paul’s, Broughton before becoming priest at St Paul’s, Llandudno. Married in 1944 and with a 2½ year old son, the Davies family arrived at St Paul’s where twins were later born.  The bishop of Grantham gave the address at his induction. The vicar was renowned for graces before meals, either expressing gratitude for the parsimonious portion - or for the Lord's bountiful generosity! Having not been rung since the war, a project to set the bells ringing again was completed with the help of the revived garden fête in 1953.  The following year, the vicar founded the Fulney branch of the Church of England Men’s Society. 

Rev'd Joshua E Callister MA 1935 – 1952

With his wife and daughter, Rev'd Callister came from Sutton St James to find two scout groups, an active choir and an organ pumped by hand.  During the war years, 8:00am Holy Communion services were continued. The parish magazine of November 1949 (price twopence) notes that the wood from the original Oak Screen at the entrance to the Lady Chapel was to be re-used to make the altar for the new children's altar - in the hope of bringing some colour to a dark corner of the church.His last pastoral letter in the St Paul parish magazine (priced threepence) noted how his leaving to Middle Rasen will make a change in the times of service necessary. Beginning on 6 July, the Rural Dean has arranged as follows: 7:00am Holy Communion, 9:30am Sung Eucharist and 6:30pm Evensong and Sermon. ]

Rev'd Richard Guy Ash MA 1880 – 1935

The son of Mr William Ash, St Paul’s first vicar was born at Long Sutton in 1848.  He was educated at Leeds Grammar School and Wadham College, Oxford and was professor of English History at Aberystwyth in 1879.  He married Marie Louise Jowett of Leeds in 1880, having one son and three daughters. He served as curate of St Mark’s, Lincoln before moving to St Paul’s.  The then vicar of Spalding, Canon Edward Moore, is said to have put pressure on Miss Charlotte Charinton to provide for her great nephew; Richard Guy Ash served for 55 years here.