Christmas Eve: 11:30pm Midnight Mass with Rev David Hill

Thursday 18 November: Fashion Show at The Vista.

Monday 29 November, 7:30pm: PCC in St Paul's church hall; venue changed to the vestry. Meeting cancelled 2:16pm Monday 29 November

Thursday 16 December, 2:00pm: Christingle at St Paul's school (relocated due to inclement weather) with Rev David Clune, pictured (right) just before the start of the service

Saturday 11 December: 11-3pm, Christmas Fayre, raising £95 for the building fund; church decorated for Christmas

Wednesday 29 September, 9:30am: Architect and Contractor site visit in preparation for the restoration works to the gutters, roof and coping stones

Sunday 3 October: Harvest Festival with Rev Vaughan Pollard

Monday 11 October, 7:30pm: PCC in the church hall noting the signing of restoration contracts, church hall finances, heating and Christmas services. Future dates: 29 November, 10 January 2011 and APCM on 14 March 2011.

Friday 8 October: 10:30am St Paul's school Harvest service (left) examining the history of this church and raising £150

7:30pm harvest supper in the hall, raising £188 towards the Diocesan harvest appeal

Tuesday 31 August: PCC in the church hall

Saturday 11 September: Lincolnshire Churches Trust sponsored bike ride and stride

Saturday 18 September: Morning coffee with John Hayes MP, (pictured, left)

Sunday 12 September: Pulpit Exchange Sunday with preacher Michael Holmes and celebrant Rev David Clune

24-30 July: Art Exhibition in church with paintings by local artists to view and to buy; many thanks to all - over £300 raised towards the building funds

Friday 27 August; Christmas 2009 meal, postponed from the ravages of last winter

Faculty notice dated 31 July 2010 for south side stained glass window (right)

Thursday 22 July: Skate park official opening

Monday 19 July: PCC in the hall

Wednesday 7 July: English Heritage site visit

Wednesday 14 July, 7:30pm: St Thomas's Road Methodist church: CTSD Lincolnshire Fresh Expressions Roadshow 2 'Creating Fresh Expressions of Church'; report, pics and links on www.CTSpaD.org.uk

Thursday 8 July: Mother's Union Craft Day at Long Sutton

Monday 14 June, 7:30pm: Extraordinary PCC: church opening times and fund raising events

Sunday 4 July, 2-5pm: Party in the Park, organised by CTSD. All welcome to join in the fun at Ascoughfee Park; puppets, dancers, bands and more

Summer Saturdays: St Paul's continues to be open for morning coffee and refreshments until around midday (sometimes later; from 3 July 2010)

Saturday 1 May: Spalding Flower Parade with the theme 'Screen Heroes'. More details: Flower Parade website

Rogation Sunday 9 May: Rev David Clune was presented with a card and gift to help celebrate his milestone birthday, along with a special cream cake.

Archive pics from 2004 & 2008 available shortly.

More church flower festival listings available from Churches Together in Spalding and District.

Sponsorship: St Paul's is grateful to all who sponsored this year's Flower Festival.

St Paul's Flower Festival 'God's Blessings' 29 April - 3 May29 April - 3 May , refreshments available in the church every day

Thursday: 10am - 4pm

Friday: 12:30pm - 4pm (see below)

Saturday: 9am - 6pmish with light lunches in the hall

Sunday from 10:15, or join us for our 9:15am service

Monday: 10am - 4pm

2 May: Hustings meeting with Rev Jennifer Park, David Baldwin, John Hayes (Conservative), Ashley Baxter (Green), Jenny Conroy (Liberal Democrat), Gareth Gould (Labour) and Richard Fairman (UKIP) at The Vista, Spalding. Refreshments were served from 7:30pm with questions 8pm - 9.30pm. Organised by CTSD

Tuesday 20 April, 7:30pm: St Paul's Annual Parochial Church Meeting; Rev John Bennett encouraged all to pull together to face our challenges. Rev David Clune and Rev Vaughan Pollard added their support to the meeting.

Good Friday 2 April,:10:00am: Procession of Witness, starting simultaneously from St Thomas Road Methodist and St Mary & St Nicolas to the Open Air service in Hall Place by 10:30am (URC if wet) , followed by refreshments at URC. Organised by CTSD.2:00pm: The Last Hour service at St Paul's, led by Alan Fiddyment

Thursday 25 March, 7:30pm: Rev John Bennett licensing service as incumbent of St Mary & St Nicolas and priest in charge of St Paul's. Rt Rev John Saxbee, Bishop of Lincoln, led the service just two days before announcing his retirement.

Sunday 28 March: Palm Sunday procession with Salvation Army band leaving Holland Market at 10am for the united service at St Mary & St Nicolas with guest preacher Rev Dr David Coffey (see also CTSD Lent Lectures webpages). Organised by CTSD. (No service at St Paul's this morning)

Thursday 1 April, 11:30am Funeral, Geoff Gladden, verger of St Paul's; with Rev David Clune, Rev John Bennett, Rev Alan Fiddyment, Rev David Maylor and Rev Vaughan Pollard.

Easter Day, 4 April: 9:15am Easter Eucharist with Rev David Clune with sermon by Rev John Bennett encouraging all with the Easter message: if we let the Easter story touch us - all the pain and suffering on the cross, we feel profound sorrow resonating with our own sorrows; on Easter Day, everything has changed as we celebrate the joy of the resurrection.CTSD Millennium Bible moves to St Paul's from St Thomas Road Methodist

Thursday 25 March, 11:00am: Mothers' Union Lady Day service with Rev Jenny Dumat, area chaplain, and Rev Vaughan Pollard, followed by bring and share lunch in the hall (right).

22 February - 7 March: Fairtrade Fortnight.

Thursday 4 March: 7:30pm, Ayscoughfee Hall School (PE11 2TE). God*Stories tour with Andrew Wilson and Cathy Burton. 'Exploring the glorious stories of the gospels, changing the way we live and worship'; tickets £4 from the Parish Office, 1 Halmer Gate, Spalding, PE11 2DR or £5 on the door. Organised by Connect; more info: 722772 or 725637. More pics on www.CTSpaD.org.uk

Ash Wednesday, 17 February; service at 7:30pm with Rev David Clune

Lent meetings:

WOW at The Chantry, Church Street: The York Course 'Tough Talk' - hard sayings of Jesus

7:30pm at Spalding Baptist with Rev Barbara Hutchinson

More pictures on the Churches Together website www.ctspad.org.uk

Friday 5 March: Women's World Day of Prayer services:10:30am at St Paul's (left) with Rev Margaret Barnsley. The prayers for the WWDP service this year have been selected by the women of the Cameroon

Friday 5 February: 10:15 - 2:45pm: Women's World Day of Prayer Preparation day at Broad Street Methodist (PE11 1TB); flyer (r)

Monday 1 February: 2:30pm Flower planning group

Monday 8 February: 7:30pm St Paul's PCC in the hall

Palm Sunday 28 March 10:45am united service at St Mary & St Nicolas: with Rev Dr David Coffey helping to establish 'where we go from here'.

Monday evenings: 22 February - 22 March: Lent Lectures with opportunity for group discussion on the theme 'Six weeks to rediscover mission and re-imagine church'. We have a gospel to proclaim but we live in interesting times. All welcome from 7:30pm at St Thomas Road Methodist; organised by Churches Together in Spalding and District with summaries of each talk on their website: www.CTSpaD.org.uk22 February: Rediscovering mission and what that means for Church with Canon Ian Silk (r)

1 March: Changing world, changing Church with Rev Vaughan Pollard (Rev Colin Martin unavailable)

8 March: Re-imagining Church - Community with Dr Julie Doddrell

15 March: Re-imagining Church - Worship with Liz Jackson

22 March: Re-imagining Church - Leadership and discipleship with Dr Pete Atkins

18-25 January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 'You are witnesses to these things' based on Luke 24 v48Monday 18 January, 7:30pm: WPCU service at St Norbert's (PE11 2XX) with speaker Rev Jennie Park, clergy chair of Churches Together in Spalding & District; pic (right) of all ministers at the close of the service