TV screens
Big screen projection: St Paul's, Spalding, explored two equipment options for the projection of the Royal Wedding on a big screen:
* 3G mobile wifi ('mifi) receiver to receive iPlayer live through the internet. 3G mifi receiver and wifi enabled computer/Mac running the BBC iPlayer. On the day of the Royal Wedding 2011, the BBC iPlayer service struggled to cope with the demand.
* Either analogue or Freeview TV aerial on temporary low level mast, existing set top box, video player or TV from the home of a member of the congregation; the choice used by many
Suitable projector and screen set in a dark / south west corner of the church/community hall to minimise sunshine on the screen; care also to ensure viewers are not blinded by sun rays
A suitable sound amplification system set near the screen with all cables laid safely
TV licence: exemption details