Harvest Festival at 9:15am on Sunday 8 October; tickets for the Harvest Supper at 6:30pm on Monday 9 October cost £6

Capt Paul Whitetely led a Lent course on the theme 'Living and authentic life' as well as an afternoon on 25 May on 'Exploring Prayer'

Easter services 2017: 9:15am Palm Sunday; 2:00pm Good Friday reflections; 9:15am Easter Sunday Eucharist

Prayer: Thursday 25 May, church open from 1:00pm for private prayer, followed by a session on 'Exploring Prayer' at 2:00pm led by Paul Whiteley

Flower Festival this year is on the theme 'Flowers and things'

Quiz Night on Saturday 21 October; tickets £6 including supper

6, 13 & 20 December: Advent reflections Bible study in the church hall from 7:00pm

Christmas services include:Sunday 17 December, 6:30pm: Carol service

Christmas Eve, 24 December, 11:30pm: Midnight Mass