About Us

Stoke-on-Trent Mathematics Excellence Partnership

Improving through collaboration

Attracting the best to live and work in Stoke-on-Trent, whilst developing those who currently work with our young people, is the compelling vision behind the Stoke-on-Trent Mathematics Excellence Partnership  (MEP)nwhich was launched on 24th February 2016. Developed in conjunction with leading maths specialists, it specifically addresses the weaknesses in our existing educational provision. It has concrete strategies for attracting maths graduates to the city, developing leadership capacities amongst existing Heads of Departments, and continuing professional development for those working in the classroom thus improve student outcomes in mathematics and raising aspirations amongst the young people in the city. It seeks to work locally with Keele University, the North Mids Maths Hub and, more broadly, with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), an expert national charity that supports improvement in maths education. Crucially, the plans have the backing of every secondary Headteacher in the city and will provide a legacy for our children in Stoke-on-Trent for years to come.

The initiative has been a co-ordinated and collaborative approach to improving maths provision and outcomes in the city. 

In 2018 the Partnership was successful in gaining additional funding to expand the Partnership to include Primary schools. Between 2019 and 2022, DfE Opportunity Area Funding enabled the project to expand further with even more development work and pupil opportunities in KS2 with CPD also being offered for EYFS and KS1, linking with the Opportunity Area Early Years project. 

Since 2023, Stoke MEP has been working in liaison with Keele University Global Student Recruitment and Admissions Directorate to organise a programe of events aimed at raising attainment in Secondary schools.

This website gives an overview of how the partnership has developed and also hosts downloadable resources developed and used by the initiative.

Thank you to all the schools, colleges, nurseries, teachers, education practitioners and stakeholders for thier input and support.

Vision Statement   ​

Our Aim: ​​ ​​

Priorities ​

Priority 1: To improve outcomes for current students in Stoke-on-Trent ​​

Priority 2: To recruit high quality graduates to the SCITTs in Stoke-on-Trent and retain them within the City ​​

Priority 3: To develop expertise of existing maths teachers in Stoke-on-Trent ​​

Priority 4: To build capacity and leadership in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Stoke-on-Trent 

Priority 5: To support successful transition in Maths KS2-3

Improving through collaboration