See frequently asked questions for asylum seekers

See frequently asked questions for refugees

See frequently asked questions for those who work with asylum seekers

General FAQs

What's the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker?

In the UK, an asylum seeker is someone who has asked the government for protection because they are unsafe in their country of origin.

A refugee is someone who has received a positive decision on their asylum claim, and has been granted refugee status.

Sometimes, people receive humanitarian protection instead of refugee status. This is because they did not meet the definition of a refugee, as found in the UN Refugee Convention, but would still face a real risk of serious harm if they were to return to their country of origin.

Right to Remain's YouTube channel contains a number of useful videos about the asylum process in multiple languages. You can find the playlists linked by language, below.

How much financial support do asylum seekers receive?

Asylum seekers in initial accommodation normally receive what is called pre-dispersal Section 95 support, which refers to temporary accommodation--often a hotel--as well as meals and cash payments of £8.86 per week.

Asylum seekers in dispersed accommodation normally receive what is called Section 95 Support, which refers to longer-term support provided to asylum seekers after they have moved out of their temporary accommodation and their claim is still pending with the Home Office. Section 95 Support includes housing and support payments of £49.18 per week.

Migrant Help have a table of up-to-date rates, which can be found here.

Below is a breakdown of how the Home Office determined that the year before last's payment amount, £39.63, covered essential living needs for one week:

More information about asylum support can be found here.

Are asylum seekers allowed to volunteer?

Yes, asylum seekers are permitted to volunteer, as long as the following are adhered to:

This information was found in the Home Office Guidance on Permission to work and volunteering for asylum seekers, 2022.