Why it is important to have basic knowledge of biology



Steven Rindner, a bio major, absolutely loves his course. He shares what he knows with everyone everywhere through his series of blogs.

For this blog post, Steven writes about why everyone should have basic knowledge of biology. He says it is always good to remember even the simplest things biology has given the world.

For example, many people have no idea how the food we eat is also a product of biology. Through biotechnological techniques, scientists and researchers can create better crops, which in turn helps farmers yield a more than-bountiful harvest. The produce harvested and sold in the market continues to provide our sustenance.

Another thing people can learn from biology that could help them gain a newfound appreciation for science is how big an impact biology has on creating consumable products such as food and drinks.

Food is based on animals and plants. Through biological processes, all the food and all the drinks that we consume daily can retain their freshness and edibleness. Microbes, for example, help create and form dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Yeast plays a huge role in fermentation and grapes in winemaking.

One of the most important applications of biology, Steven Rindner points out, comes in the form of health and wellness. Biology allows medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, and therapists to aid humans, even animals.

The entirety of the evolution of medical treatments could not have been possible if not for the study of the human body, including the neurological system, reproduction, blood, diseases, and development, just to name a few, and all the processes these are involved in.

Biology also aids in the production of medication. Bio student Steven Rindner gives medicines with plant-based ingredients as an example. The producers of these meds benefit from studies about the medicinal qualities of plant life.