On Bio and Strategies for Studying in College



Bio Students and Pursuing Their Degree

Steven Rindner, bio student, enjoys learning about humans and animal species. He acknowledges that pursuing a degree in biology requires dedication and passion. He shares three learning strategies to help his other students take up college-level biology.

Study daily.

Memorization might not always be the most effective way to absorb detailed information. This is why it's important to be attentive to lectures and up-to-date with readings and other study materials. You can spend at least an hour daily studying a bio subject. This will help you retain and process new information. If you have a long reading list, this amount of time can help you cover many topics. Steven Rindner, bio major, says it's better to read a few pages daily instead of cramming all the readings a day or a week before exams.

Take notes.

Whether in a notebook, on the margins of a textbook, or through a notes app, jotting down notes while reading or listening can help the brain actively process information. Students have different ways to emphasize points in their notes, so feel free to do what's best for you. The act of writing also helps the brain commit a detail to memory, so when the teacher shares something that might not be in the book or their outline, be sure to write the new info down.

Find related study materials.

College is all about independence, says Steven Rindner, bio student. Once you have received the syllabus or course outline, you can look up related materials to help you better understand your lessons. You can also learn through videos if you're not so fond of reading. If you feel like you need to catch up on your lessons or if you feel like the information presented to you in class is lacking, you can always look up videos, short explainers, and infographics online. Pay extra attention during lab time, and be sure to take note of the results from the experiments. Biology might be an information-heavy subject matter, but one of the best ways to grow in your knowledge of it is through experience and exploration.