How To Avoid These 7 Email Marketing Mistakes?

The email channel is well-known for its numerous advantages. It is straightforward to use, offers a variety of alternatives, and has a remarkable ROI of up to 4200 %.

However, we frequently encounter issues, the most aggravating of which are customers ignoring emails, failing to do the appropriate action, or, most upsetting of all, unsubscribing. What causes this to happen?

The web is always evolving. It offers a variety of tools, such as sophisticated HTML template builders, ESP services, and other digital assistants, to help us at every stage of the process. Even the best tools are insufficient; the formula for success is still with us.

In this article, we’ll go over

Top Seven Email Marketing Mistakes

· Being too late

If we were to characterize this error, we would call it a crime. It is far worse than broken links, inaccurate dates, or prices. Even more dangerous than bad design.

We lose a lot when we put off implementing our email strategy. Newcomers frequently devote all of their attention to content, social media activities, SEO concerns… While all of these things are crucial, disregarding email campaigns is a hard fail.

Thousands of visitors to your website never return. In other words, they’ve progressed beyond the first stage of the marketing funnel. Regular emailing, on the other hand, keeps them interested and prevents turnover.

As a result, delays here only benefit rivals. Never wait until you have a sufficient number of contacts. Start as soon as you can.

Frequency is also important. Don’t spam people with emails; it will weary them and cause them to unsubscribe. Email frequency is a personal choice that is influenced by a variety of circumstances.

· Disregarding client’s expectations

The essential axiom: when communications are irrelevant, people unsubscribe; the same is true for unmet expectations. Even the best content with next-generation features won’t help.

In the previous point, I mentioned the importance of receiving emails on a regular basis. In the event that you announce weekly emails but send them every day, this is an example of disobeying expectations. Be dependable to your readers.

Off-topic is yet another common problem. If your subscribers are ready for smartphone-related information, send them smartphone-related newsletters rather than clothes or home turtles.

Going off-topic can be beneficial in some situations. Everything is depending on the target audience, specific scenario, and communication style.

· Dangerous segmentation

Relevance is vital once again. As a result, we must avoid sending generic emails. Instead, use all of the possible indicators: age, gender, geography, customer history, and so on, especially if your contact list is extensive enough.

Where can I acquire the necessary information? Using update preferences forms in emails or on the website is a common method. Allow customers to choose the topics that interest them.

Use surveys, sign-up forms, and AI-based segmentation techniques… Smart algorithms are helpful tools that track client behavior and then process the information for segmentation.

The further we segment the contact list, the better we know our subscribers. This will allow newsletters to be sent to targeted segments with pinpoint accuracy.

· Insufficient personalization

According to HubSpot statistics, personalized emails have a 26 % open rate and a 14 % click-through rate. But even besides index data, poor personalization is just worst today.

Clients are looking for information that matches their preferences, so marketers must consider these factors. Although segmentation and dynamic range are important, they are not the only strategies available.

In addition to personalized subjects and content, everything is considerably more advanced here. Another option is to create recommendations based on the products you’ve previously looked at.

AI-powered automation steps in to help. Machines will take traditional personalization to the next level, which will be known as hyper-personalization.

· Undermining mobile-friendliness

Sending non-responsive emails is no longer acceptable. This is a massive mistake with so many people opening email on multiple devices.

This modern technological world is teeming with devices and gadgets. In recent years, cellphones have opened emails more frequently than desktop PCs and notebooks. Up to 70% of readers will read this message on their mobile devices very soon. It’s no surprise that responsiveness has become a mobile priority.

In terms of layout and design, there are no issues: current template editors come with automated responsiveness. However, mobile-first does not simply imply mobile-friendly layouts and designs, full-width buttons, or larger fonts. We must also work with content. Remember that readers read their inbox emails on the go, so don’t overrun text.

Consider how you may read emails in a café or cab. And consider this: is everything in your life convenient? Would you perform the requested action if you were in a hurry?

· Non-professional approach

New brands are met with a lot of skepticism. To attract them, we must put out our best effort. As a result, everything must be done in a professional manner.

The greatest option is to be a perfectionist; unprofessional newsletters are likely to disgust readers.

Amateurish behavior tarnishes your brand’s image and reduces client trust. Pay attention to design, adhere to your corporate style, and analyze each detail in the context of the broader picture.

· Overlooking test and enhancements

Before sending an email campaign, it is critical to test it using Litmus or Email on Acid to ensure that the message appears exactly as expected. These tools allow you to test email rendering in over 90 different ways.

Because knowledge is power, it’s always a good idea to put your email marketing tactics to the test. Are you happy with your current performance? Conduct A/B tests and concentrate on the most important successes and failures.


On a concluding note, we can say that threats will not remain confined to seven failures. The final piece of suggestion is by no means ignoring traits.

Accessibility? Don’t forget about customers who have specific requirements. Obtain whitelist status and incorporate these applied sciences into your campaigns.

If you want to create an email marketing campaign, you should hire a competent email marketing services. We have a talented staff of digital marketers at stellar digital who can help you with your project. Simply go to stellardigital. in and contact us.