What are the important tips to develop a mobile app with APIs?

Version your API (right from the beginning)

At some point in the future, the API will need to be modified. It might be to change, add, or delete a feature. If this occurs, you might have to stop using that part of the API or provide the consuming application the opportunity to be clear about the behaviour and kind of response it anticipates receiving.

Your backend and the apps that utilise it are bound by the terms of your API. If you don't employ the proper versioning, you face the risk of one party modifying the contract without the other party knowing.

Strategize and execute your caching policy carefully:

To prevent the negative effects of a sluggish mobile network on the app's performance, it is advisable that the CSS, HTML, and all images be stored locally. Mobile app owners have reported that their HTML documents' size has decreased from 200KB to a pitiful 30KB. Additionally, it's a good idea to retain all of the static information, including categories and the primary navigation, inside the application.

As a result, there is no need to travel across the selected mobile network, saving you the time and effort of pre-fetching data (queries, paginated results, user data, and so on) that will be loaded on the device without any further requests.

Take account of security from the starting:

Security is a broad and possibly difficult subject. This makes it extremely tough to add on a fast in the event of a security breach.

Data security in transit, data security at rest, inappropriate or unauthorised API use, possibly dangerous or unexpected data with unintended consequences—these are all things to take into account.

Don’t require unnecessary steps/requests:

In mobile APIs, discrete individual steps that show how the service can be used appropriately are extremely common. Because they are never the best approach to run a mobile app, such separate phases should be avoided when designing APIs.

Don’t return more data than you need to:

The amount of data transferred between the application and the server will to some extent affect how quickly a request is processed and how quickly a response is returned. This impacts both the amount of time someone spends staring at a loading animation and their data use costs.

Assign easy to understand names to API assets:

The names you choose for your API's methods, objects, characteristics, and parameters will most affect how users understand it. It may be very tempting to utilise the first words or phrases that spring to mind when creating an API. However, like with all code, the terms you choose greatly influence how the API is understood and expected to function.

Badly named APIs are a major cause of miscommunication. Confusion leads to mistakes, which lead to problems, which lead to holdups and support costs. Use your time wisely when naming.

Never forget your privacy policy and responsibilities:

A privacy policy that details how you'll utilise user data is required if you're collecting it (which you should be if your server logs requests). Additionally, think about how you'll safeguard and preserve the data. especially if it involves personal information or the children.


You will be able to comprehend what needs to be taken into consideration while designing a mobile app with APIs by looking over the aforementioned guidelines. However, we have included basic and essential tips, despite the fact that there are many tips that cannot be represented in a single post.

So, if you're considering about creating a mobile app, Stellar Digital is the place to go. Being a professional mobile app development company, we have a dedicated development team ready to help you with your project. To learn more about our mobile app development services, go to stellardigital.in.