What features should a fitness app include?

Wearable device integration:

By integrating wearables into the fitness app, users can stay linked to multiple external devices. Users can monitor their daily activities and exercise schedules. To achieve their fitness objectives, they can also analyse their workout statistics by week, month, or year.

The number of trackers your app may connect to may be constrained if you choose not to add wearables. You could utilise Google Fit or Apple's Healthkit for capacity, and you could use a particular wearable manufacturer's API to connect devices to your app.

Push notifications:

The drive that customers need to accomplish their goals is represented via push notifications. Since consistency is essential for fitness, the most crucial variables to consider are time and frequency.

A person may fall short of their fitness objectives due to a few missed workouts or meal skips in a diet plan. There are many reasons to skip workouts or give up on a diet, including a busy schedule, ups and downs, bad weather, and a foul mood.

Because they may encourage users to burn calories or eat at a certain time, fitness apps need notifications.

Users can set up reminders for their workouts or diets, and the push notification will eventually let them know when it is time. Receiving motivational messages through push notification can encourage users to work out frequently.

Geo-location and GPS capabilities-

Allow users to follow their movements when walking, running, cycling, and other activities in real time. Additionally, users can use location-based capabilities to track their workout routes and calculate accurate distances. Location-based features are more important than ever since individuals want to share their fitness successes on social media. Whether you're creating an IoT healthcare solution or a mobile fitness app, location is crucial.

Social sharing-

In today's world, it's hard to conceive a fitness app without social interaction. People enjoy bragging about their achievements, therefore fitness tracking applications profit from these traits of human nature. If an app allows users to share, talk to friends, and interact with others, users will stay on it longer, increasing the app's KPIs.

For instance, users of the Nike Run Club app can distribute their results on various social media platforms.

Goals and tracker:

It is a crucial component that is strongly advised for start-ups planning to develop an app that aids users in tracking their exercises. An application that promotes users' aspirations has an advantage over rivals since it inspires users to work harder to achieve their goals. Users can examine the practicality of their plan by comparing their actual performance to their goals using the aforementioned component.

This feature allows users to track their daily activity levels in terms of steps taken and calories burned while jogging, riding, or walking. They can also monitor their calorie, water, and sleep intake. Because of this, adding this function could help your fitness app stand out from the crowd.


Some of the most important aspects of a fitness app include the ones listed above. There are numerous other features, but we've focused on the most important. If you're thinking about creating a fitness app, come to Stellar Digital, where we have a proven track record as mobile app development company. Stella Digital has a large team of highly skilled and experienced developers eager to help you with your project.