How to Distribute an iOS App Without Using App Stores?

Ways to distribute an iOS app without utilizing the App store: -

Ad-hoc deployment:

Apple offers an Ad-hoc app deployment option for developers that want to share an iOS app for a private beta or a temporary distribution. During this process, the app developer must email or provide a download URL for the app binary to each user.

To guarantee that binary functions on the user's device, developers must include the UDID of each device and register it with the Apple member centre.

The app binary will not function on any common device until it is registered in the ways mentioned above. Your ad hoc profile ensures that unapproved test versions of your app are not copied and distributed.

Use the Xcode option to export your application. The app binaries can be distributed using MDM after being exported (Mobile device management). The UDID of each device must still be entered, though. There isn't anything else to do. The app can then be downloaded and installed on the smartphone.

Before choosing this deployment option, there are a few crucial factors to take into account:

· An App developer account is required, which costs roughly $99 per year.

· This method is limited to 100 iPhones, 100 iPads, and 100 iPod touches. In order to share the iOS app, the developer must also obtain the UDID of each device.

· You must create a new version of your application whenever a new UDID is added. They can only be added until the end of the yearly subscription period.

Enterprise in-house app deployment:

This app distribution strategy is being used to combat the ad hoc strategy. Unlike with ad-hoc, you don't need to add every device's UDID. If you've created an app and want to provide your team access to the iOS version. You won't have to spend the time and effort registering each device's UDID using this approach.

Enterprise development is required when an app is exported from Xcode and you wish to install it on any device without submitting it to the iOS store or registering device UDIDs. Delivering your app can be done via email, URL, or MDM.

Few essential points to remember before opting for the enterprise in-house app development option:

· Enterprise app distribution necessitates the purchase of an Apple enterprise developer account, which costs approximately $299 per year.

· There is no restriction to the number of devices, but the devices must be held by the organisations.

B2B VPP APP deployment method:

You can set up a private app store for your company using the APPLE Volume Purchase Program. You can make internal app binaries for any device that has joined your business. Even other firms can use the iOS application.

As your app is not accessible to the general public, the approval procedure, while present, is flexible. A private marketplace, VPP manages the distribution of apps. The MDM service is the one that most frequently uses this technique.


The appropriate application to employ is just as critical as the app deployment strategy. This procedure may appear stressful, but with the right approach and sufficient planning, your app's success is guaranteed. If you follow the aforementioned criteria and guidelines, your app will be published without going through an approval process.

If you still have concerns, seeking the help of a professional mobile app development company in Gurgaon is the best course of action. Stellar Digital has an experienced development team that can assist you with your project. Check out our iOS app development services at