
Life, uh... finds a way: Crocodile makes herself pregnant at zoo in Costa Rica


Scientists Discover a Virgin Birth in a Crocodile

The act of reptile reproduction suggests that dinosaurs and pterosaurs may have been capable of parthenogenesis, too, much like the creatures in “Jurassic Park.”




In every organism on Earth there

exists a mutator gene - the X-factor,

as it has come to be known.  It is the

basic building block of evolution -

the reason we have evolved from homo


JEAN (O.S.) (contíd)

Taking it's cues from the climate,

terrain, various sources of

nourishment, the mutator gene tells

the body when it needs to change to

adapt to a new environment.  The

process is subtle, normally taking

thousands of years.



lt is the key

to our evolution.

It is how we have evolved from

a single-celled organism...

into the dominant species

on the planet.

This process is slow...

normally taking thousands

and thousands ofyears.

But every

few hundred millennia...

evolution leaps forward.