Statistics for the real world: a gentle introduction
Mike Crowson, Ph.D.
The University of Oklahoma
This site is designed to serve as an Open Textbook for those who are learning statistics. It is is organized in a fashion not unlike traditional statistics textbooks - moving from coverage of basic concepts and procedures to those that are a bit more advanced (such as multiple regression). Although this site is not intended to be exhaustive of all statistical concepts and procedures that you might find in an introductory course, it is developed with the intention of providing students with a resource that will aid in the development of their statistics knowledge and procedural skills. The pages on this site include links to Powerpoint and video presentations. Additionally, I include links to the raw data for you to be able to download and use while you are learning. Most of the demonstrations in this "text" involve the use of SPSS, which is one of the most common software packages utilized by students and researchers. Even so, I do provide some demonstrations using other programs (e.g., Stata, R) sprinkled in this text here and there, and will continue adding in those demonstrations over time.
Please note that I consider this website a "work in progress", as I'm never really 100% satisfied with what I've done. Indeed, there's always something to add or modify. So, be sure to check back from time to time for updates or additions! I hope you find this "textbook" valuable in your learning!
If you are interested in some 'higher end' stats, you can access my multivariate site here: Multivariate Statistics for the Real World.