The Monday Run/walk group meet at the Rugby Club Mondays at 6.30pm. We’re a friendly relaxed group, with two running groups Intro (about 2 miles) and Development (3 miles). It’s a stepping stone for those that start running before joining the main groups on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

We enjoy Track sessions on the first Monday of each month, doing a coached structured speed session, in the safety of Par Track, without the worries of pedestrians, cars etc.. These sessions are also open to any other groups if they would like to join us. 


The start of the year saw the 0-5K challenge starting and we were delighted to see so many new faces. It was inspiring to see all the new runners taking on the sessions and improving every week. 

STARC members were proud to support the 0-5K graduates at the Eden Project Parkrun in March and we hope to see you all at the run/walk or Tues and Thurs sessions going forward. 


As the lighter evenings start in March, the run/walk sessions will be going on a spring tour. 

Keep your eyes open for Jacqui's posts and exploring new routes around St Austell.