STARC are always thinking of new opportunities to help and support our local community with much needed donations for local charities. In the last three months we have....................

Our beloved member Angela hosted a social run at Carlyon Bay, raising funds for Brain Tumour Support. It was fantastic to see so many STARC runners joining in to support a charity close to our hearts. 

We were delighted to deliver the Virtual Gribbin Head 10K donation to St Austell Foodbank. The event was able to raise £120 for our local foodbank, which will go a long way to supporting families in the community.

We also all enjoyed Doug and Geraldine's famous open house charity day, raising money for STARC members running London Marathon. This year Doug and Geraldine raised an incredible £1,200 from the sale of delicious preserves and raffles. These funds have been donated to Cornwall Hospice Care and St John Ambulance, two incredible causes. 

Angela's Brain Tumour Support Run

Virtual Gribbin 10K & St Austell Foodbank

Doug and Geraldine's Open House Charity Day