The Monday Run/walk group, meet at the Rugby Club Mondays at 6.30pm, we’re a friendly relaxed group, with two running groups Intro (about 2 miles) and Development (3 miles). It’s a stepping stone for those that start running before joining the main groups on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

This year we have enjoyed using the Track the first Monday of each month, doing a coached structured speed session, in the safety of Par Track, without the worries of pedestrians, cars etc.. These sessions are also open to any other groups if they would like to join us. 

Summer & Winter Tour

We have also enjoyed doing a Summer Tour and a Winter Tour which sees us starting our runs at different venues and enjoying runs in different areas, this opens up the group to many more routes and different terrains, we run these as one group and they are always fun group sessions. 

New Year, New Start?

At the beginning of each year we also run the 0-5K which is a structured session runs over a few weeks to start people  on there running journey, to help them progress to run a 5k parkrun.