STARC Website

The club website has had a full rebuild this year with some new features. 

There is now an online membership form for new applicants and an online accident form should any mishaps occur.

There are profiles of some of the club team so you can get to know a bit about them and also a history of how the club started.

There are Race Reports and Product Reviews available.

There is a map of where the STARC colours have been worn on holidays or for races - submit your entries to us and get included for countries not yet claimed.


New for 2023 is our very own app dedicated solely to paid members.

Here you can find event listings and the training schedule.

You will also find a link to the Club Shop (please note this is only open for orders at certain times of the year). 

Our 'Chap Iain'

There is a brand new role at St Austell Running Club.

Iain Walker is the Club Chaplain

He’s been a member of the club for 7 years and recently considered the question as to why people run. The club members all love running but some come to race, many to get fit, some to find release from the pressures of life and most to meet friends.

He recently did an induction course with Sports Chaplaincy UK, who provide chaplains for most professional football clubs, 19 other sports and major events such as the Olympics and Commonwealth Games. Their strap line is to be ‘pastorally proactive and spiritually reactive’. Being endorsed by them also makes him accountable in his new role.

“It is clear to me that so many of us look after each other and that friendship is core to the club. But it can be that we have ‘things’ that we can’t or don’t want to share with friends. Chaplaincy supports our pastoral gifts that we all have and I want to be a ‘confidential, listening ear’ for all faiths or no faith to help enhance and celebrate the existing welfare and holistic approach at the club.

The ‘spiritually reactive’ part means that I am available for any questions you may have about faith, but that’s entirely up to you.”

One Sunday morning, during the service, he was commissioned by the members of Holy Trinity Church in St Austell. He confirmed his belief that this was what God wanted him to do and the congregation agreed to support him prayerfully in this new role. A good number of St Austell Running Club were also there to support him during his commissioning.

“Thank you for all the positive comments that I have received so far and I look forward to supporting you and your families, and seeing how my role develops.” [Iain]