Our Food Bank

Hours of Operation

Food Bank Coordinators

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers include children, teens, adults and seniors drawn from St. Peter’s Church members, Food Bank clients and people wanting to contribute to their community. We believe everyone has something to offer. Please talk to one of the Food Bank Directors to see where your gifts could be used.

Coming to St. Peter’s Food Bank? Some Information You Need to Know

The Market Style Food Bank

St. Peter’s Food Bank is set up in a market style. This allows our Food Bank users to choose items that best fit their needs and their family’s. The market style also allows St. Peter’s Food Bank to accurately know what products are most needed by our neighbours. As well, the market style creates opportunities for our community to get to know each other better as we share our stories, food recipes and chat about special dietary needs (e.g. vegan/vegetarian, Halal, food allergies, etc.)   

Our resources are very limited and we may not always have the same products available all the time. As well, depending on availability and demand we may run out of items. We ask that Food Bank users take only what they need, remembering to share equally with their neighbours who may also be in need.

Visiting St. Peter’s Food Bank

Our Generous Donors

St. Peter’s gratefully receives the generous help from many anonymous individuals and the following groups listed below. With their help St. Peter’s Food Bank can make a difference in our community. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes out to all of them! 

How Can You Help?

If you or your group, work place, church or organization could help out St. Peter’s Food Bank, let us know. Perhaps your organization could help out in the following ways:

Our Mission and Guiding Principles

Our ultimate vision is to see food banks disappear by advocating for the implementation of fair wages, good social, health and child development services, relevant education, training and job creation. But until this just and equitable society (as reflected in the Gospels) is made real, these are our guiding mission and principles at St. Peter’s Food Bank…