Leaders and Groups

Priest in Charge

The Rev. Dr. Monique Taylor 905-728-8080

Church Group Leaders

Churchwarden: Ann Arnold

Churchwarden: Marion Thompson

Deputy Churchwarden: Janet Merner

Deputy Churchwarden: Dean Rose

Treasurer: Tracey Hall

Envelope Secretary: Gail Elliott

Lay Delegate to Synod: Ann Arnold

Food Bank Coordinator: Dean Rose

Server Coordinator: Dean Rose

Music Director: Glenn Godfrey

Greeter Coordinator: Barb Hill

Altar Guild Coordinator: Diana Goertzen

Advisory Board: Fran Hatherly, David Parker, Kathy Schmidt, Jill Wyllie, plus the church leaders listed above

Alternate Lay Delegate to Synod: Gail Elliott

Flowers and Decor: Fran Hatherly

Parochial Tribunal: Priest-in-Charge, Churchwardens, Gail Elliott, Marilyn Kellar

Prayer Chain: Yvonne Smith (e-mail)

Readers and Intercessors: Marion Thompson

Website: Yvonne Smith (e-mail)