COVID-19 Procedures

Procedures for Attending Church Services Safely During COVID-19

These procedures are in place for in-person services.


We are so pleased to be able to be able to gather together in person to celebrate the love of God and our love for each other. Please read these procedures carefully so that we can remain safe during these unprecedented times of COVID-19. If you do not feel able to attend in person, links to online options are available on our website

Getting Ready

Perform a health self-assessment

  • Have you had an unexplained recent symptom such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, sneezing or sore throat? If so, you should not attend services in person – links to online options are available on our website You may wish to seek medical attention or be tested for COVID-19.

Bring a mask

  • Please bring mask to wear. If you have a medical condition which precludes the wearing of masks, please consult with your health-care provider about the advisability of attending church without one. No one is obliged to attend in-person services and online options continue to be available

Bring other supplies

  • If you wish to do so, bring your own water bottle.

People attending with you

  • People in your household bubble may attend with you. You will be seated together.

When you Arrive

Hand Sanitizer

  • User the hand sanitizer station as you arrive.

Worship Bulletin

  • A greeter will provide you with a service bulletin. You may take it home after the service or place it in the recycling bin as you exit.

During the Service

Safety Protocols

  • Wear a mask.

  • Follow instructions on signs and floor markers.

  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the church.


  • Children under the age of ten are to remain with their family.

  • Families may bring their own toys and snacks for children but must not share them with others.

  • Sunday School will resume at a later date when it is safe to do so.

Peace and Greetings

No physical contact is to take place – smiles and words only during the exchange of the Peace.


Singing is permitted, but masks must be worn. We sing fewer verses of each hymn. Please see the bulletin for verse numbers.


Collection plates cannot be passed person-to-person during the Offertory; however, the offering plates will be set up in the centre aisle. Please use them as you are led to your pew or ask a greeter to place it there for you.


  • The communion bread will be distributed but not the wine. It is not a liturgical requirement that communion in both kinds be offered and during COVID-19 only the bread will be offered.

  • Communion will be distributed at a station near the front pews, not at the altar rail.

  • When you come up for communion, wear your mask and come forward to the 2-metre (six-foot) distance mark in the line before the priest.

  • From the priest, you will hear the words, “The body of Christ…” (or similar) and respond with “Amen”. Then move forward to receive the wafer in your hand.

  • Then move away 2 metres from the priest to the marked spot and still facing the altar, remove your mask and consume the host. Use the hand sanitizer available in this spot then replace your mask before returning to your seat.

Blessings During Communion

  • To receive a blessing instead of the bread during communion, stand at the 2-metre (six-foot) distance mark in the line before the priest and cross your hands over your chest. The priest will offer the blessing.


  • Greeters are available throughout the service to answer questions or to assist you.

Washroom Facilities

  • Washroom facilities are downstairs as marked. Afterward, please wash hands for a full 2 minutes with the soap provided.

End of the Service


  • Exit at the direction of the greeters and keeping 2 metres apart. Those at the back will exit first.

  • Do not congregate outside the doors – leave room for others to exit.

Coffee Hour

  • Coffee Hour is not being held. It will resume at a later date when it is safe to do so.

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

For baptisms, weddings, and funerals, please contact Fr. Randy Murray to discuss protocols and restrictions during COVID-19.