


学校にもボランティアの活用を図ろうとする社会的要請の気運が芽生えた、平成 8 年 7 月に出 された第 15 期中央教育審議会の答申の内の「開かれた学校づくり」を受け、文部省(当時)は 翌 9 年に策定した「教育改革プログラム」の中で、「学校支援ボランティアの活動推進」として 次のように具体的方策を示しました。 

【佐藤春雄編 学校支援ボランティア 11 頁引用 平成 17 年、教育出版】

このように、学校が地域の教育力を生かし、家庭や地域社会の支援を積極的に受け入れるよう に取り組むべきとする方向が示されました。そして、昭和 22 年 3 月に戦後民主教育のバックボ ーンとして制定された教育基本法は、平成 18 年 12 月 15 日、戦後 60 年振りに改正されました。

教育基本法の改正(平成 18 年 12 月)

◇ 学校・家庭・地域の連携協力に関する規定の新設 第13条 学校、家庭及び地域住民その他の住民は、教育におけるそれぞれの役割と責任を自 覚するとともに、相互の連携及び協力に努めるものとする。 これからの教育は、学校だけが役割と責任を負うのではなく、これまで以上に学校・家庭・ 地域の連携協力のもとに進めていくことが必要である。



人口減少と高齢化に伴って、これまでのような行政に依存した形では、住みやすい生活環境を 維持することが困難になり、市民が積極的に自分たちの生活環境を変える活動に参加する必要性 が高まっています。個人の自己実現に止まらず、周りの人たちとつながることで、より大きな力 を生み出すと共に、相互学習の中からさらに新しい活動が生み出されることが期待されます。

「新しい公共」は、社会の進歩に寄与しようとする個人、福祉を補おうとする個人などが、自 発的に学ぶと共に、相互に連帯・社会参画する「能動的市民」となることで実現されます。


自己学習が自分志向の趣味の活動に止まっていては、社会は変化しません。 自分のための学び(一人称の生き方)から仲間と一緒に学ぶ(二人称の生き方)につながりを 広げ、趣味を一歩超えて相手に有効な形に変えたボランティア活動を行う「市民」となることが 求められています。

社会を変えようとする中で自分も変わる(一つの社会的課題の達成=自己実現)、 という 社会とともに進化し続ける「三人称としての生き方」をしよう、とも言えるでしょう。



 ① 「応答性・自発性」

 まわりの人から強制されるのではなく、自分で考え積極的に活動することは、ボランティア 活動の最も特徴的な性格です。


・そこに自分を必要とする人がいる(と信じる) → ・共感・使命感・健康な楽観主義・助け合い

・自らを他者に開き、自己を投げ出す勇気が必要 → その人(他者)はどう応えるかはわからない。否定されるかもしれない 

② 「相互性・社会形成性」 









③ 「無償性・無給性」 

金銭的な報酬を求める活動ではなく、お金では得られない出会いや感動・喜びを得る活動で す。 ..



④ 「先駆性・開拓性・創造性」 



       ⇒ 継続性の要求 ⇒ 制度化・組織化(NPO、NGO、ビジネス)が必要となり、 スタッフ、マネージメントなどの組織や価値が創造される



              【橋本洋光 日本ボランティア学習協会副代表・平成 23~25 年度狭山元気大学 ボランティアコーディネーター養成コースの講座より】

School Support Volunteers

The social demand to utilize volunteers in schools emerged, and in response to the “Open School Creation” proposal issued by the 15th Central Education Council in July 1996, the Ministry of Education (at the time) proposed specific measures in the “Education Reform Program” formulated the following year. It stated, “In order to utilize the educational power of the community, parents, local talents, organizations, companies, etc. should promote activities to support schools as volunteers (school support volunteer activities)”.

In this way, a direction was indicated that schools should utilize the educational power of the community and actively accept the support of families and the local community. Then, the Fundamental Law of Education, which was enacted in March 1947 as the backbone of post-war democratic education, was revised for the first time in 60 years on December 15, 2006.

Amendment of the Fundamental Law of Education (December 2006)

◇ New provisions on collaboration and cooperation between schools, families, and communities Article 13: Schools, families, and local residents and other residents should be aware of their respective roles and responsibilities in education and strive for mutual collaboration and cooperation. From now on, education needs to be advanced under the collaboration and cooperation of schools, families, and communities more than ever before.

(1) Modern Society and the Way of ‘Citizens’

With the decrease in population and aging, it is difficult to maintain a comfortable living environment in the form of dependence on administration as before, and there is an increasing need for citizens to actively participate in activities to change their living environment. It is expected that not only individual self-realization but also connecting with people around you will create greater power and further new activities will be created from mutual learning.

The “New Public” is realized by individuals who try to contribute to the progress of society, individuals who try to supplement welfare, etc., becoming “active citizens” who learn voluntarily and participate in society in solidarity.

(2) From Self-Learning to ‘Citizen’

If self-learning remains a hobby activity for oneself, society will not change. It is required to become a “citizen” who performs volunteer activities that change the form effective for the other person beyond the hobby, expanding the connection from learning for oneself (first-person way of life) to learning with friends (second-person way of life).

In trying to change society, you also change (achievement of one social issue = self-realization), and it can be said that you should live as a “third person” that continues to evolve with society.

(3) Four Characteristics of Volunteer Activities

Volunteer activities have the following four characteristics. 

① “Responsiveness / Spontaneity” 

The most characteristic character of volunteer activities is to think for oneself and actively act, not being forced by people around you.

・ I want to help people who are in trouble, people who are worried

・ There are people who need me (I believe) → ・ Empathy, sense of mission, healthy optimism, mutual help

・ It takes courage to open oneself to others and throw oneself out → You don’t know how the person (other) will respond. You may be denied 

② “Mutuality / Social Formation” 

It is an activity to cooperate and learn with everyone so that anyone can live happily.

・ The relationship between oneself and others is equal… In that relationship, they change (grow) each other

・ The basic form of social formation… An act of interacting with society. “Friends” and “people who can scold the other person”

・ Comrades who do volunteer activities… Share the mission (sense of mission)

・ Joy of solving social issues… Self-realization 

③ “Gratuitousness / Unpaid” 

It is an activity to get encounters, impressions, and joys that cannot be obtained with money, not an activity to seek monetary rewards. . .

・ Because it’s free, you can do what you like

・ Support the free will to respond as a volunteer

 ④ “Pioneering / Pioneering / Creativity” 

It is an activity to create a better society with your own hands while thinking about what is demanded in society now.

・ One issue has been achieved 

     ⇒ Continuity is required ⇒ Institutionalization / organization (NPO, NGO, business) is necessary, and organizations and values such as staff and management are created

・ The above flow is established because there is the pioneering nature of volunteer activities

 The essence of volunteer activities 

【From the lecture of the Volunteer Coordinator Training Course of Sayama Genki University in 2011-2013 by Hiromitsu Hashimoto, Vice Representative of the Japan Volunteer Learning Association】