Parents’ Association

The Parents' Association of the School is a non-profit civil association, representative of the community of parents or guardians of the students enrolled in our school. The main purpose of the Parents' Association of the School is to represent the parents of the students enrolled in the School, so that they, in an organized manner, collaborate and contribute to the development of the plans and actions designed by the school's governing bodies towards its main objective, which is the education and integral formation of the students.

Membership in the Parents' Association will be kept as long as the parent or guardian has a daughter attending the school, is up-to-date with his or her obligations to the school and the optional payment of the APAFA fee directly to the Parents' Association.

The Board of the Parents’ Association for 2024 is as follows:                                                


President: María Gabriela Ramírez de la Torre
Secretary: Silvia María de la Puente Muelle
Treasurer: Andrés Antonio José Uribe Kling

Early Years: Lorena Pallete Llaury
Substitute: Oriana Arbulú Cánepa

Primary : Denise Galvez Martin
Substitute : Carolina Noriega Ackermann

Secondary 1: Vanessa Olivera Lefbad
Substitute: Verónica de Izcue Belgrano

Secondary 2: Claudia Valdez Malpartida

Substitute : Carolina Olivari Valdivieso

Ex-alumnae Association

The school supports the organisation and running of the Association representing ex-alumnae and acknowledges its important responsibility as collaborators of the school.

 The following are the objectives of the Ex–Alumnae Association:

Currently the ex-alumnae association consists of a President and Vice President:

Diana Marsano Soto

Vice President:
Carolina Guerra

Board of Directors 

Members of the Board of Directors work ad honorem and are responsible for:

The present Board of Directors of San Silvestre School is comprised as follows:

Chairman: Sr. Antero Carrillo

Vice-Chairman:  Sra. Karen Weinberger

Treasurer: Sra. Rocío Lockett

Members: Sr. Gonzalo Mariátegui

Sr. Enrique Felices

Sra. Lorena Calda

Sra. Norma Correa Aste

Sr. Luis Bedoya Escurra

Sra. Carla Pennano Villanueva

Sra. Gabriela Ramírez de la Torre

Sra. Diana Marsano