
Much of the characteristic spirit of San Silvestre is built on the House system. All pupils belong to one of four houses: Conroy, Evans, Hope or Kufal. 

Houses are allocated from Nursery according to family tradition and in the case of new families they are allocated randomly in an attempt to balance the number of pupils per House. Each House is run by a House Captain (Form V) under the direction of the Head Girl (Form V), with the support of the House Teachers in all sections.

Much of the school's activities are linked to a points system for Houses that are awarded for class work, sports and behaviour, so that at the end of the year, cups are awarded as prizes for different House activities and also the "House Cup" which consolidates all the activities, and is awarded to the House winner of the year.

Co-curricular Activities (CCA’s)

In order to develop the integral education of the students, the school offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities which take place outside school hours.  Activities are offered to develop experiences and interests in a wide range of areas. Students can choose something that interests them or something new.

The activities require a commitment of the same importance as lessons, so that absence from activities is not permitted, except in the case of illness, in which case parents must send an excuse to the Activities Coordinator of the relevant section. 

Some co-curricular activities have an additional cost. In these cases, parents and students will be informed of the cost before choosing the activity. Information about these activities will be sent to parents in the first weeks of school.

Excursions and Trips 

Throughout the year, students in every grade level take part in a variety of excursions which are provided to:

Parents must consent during the online enrolment process for their child's participation in these activities. If an outing is scheduled, parents will receive information via the section App, or by email. 

In Secondary, pupils have the option to participate in various activities such as; whole class camps, outdoor walks, field trips (MUN, Holton Arms, etc), exchanges with Round Square, among others. More information can be found in the Secondary section.

Service Learning 

Our main objective is the integral formation of our students. The "Service Learning" programme sensitises the students to the reality of their country and encourages them to accept the challenge of contributing in a practical way and to assume a humanitarian attitude. Our intention is not to give charity, but to give our students the opportunity to learn about the reality of our country and to establish an empathetic relationship with their community.

Service Learning aims to engage students with the community, providing opportunities for them to connect with diverse realities, understand their needs and issues, and actively collaborate to seek solutions and thus social welfare.

We encourage spaces for reflection in which students can think critically and learn from their service experiences. Additionally, we aim to provide our students with opportunities to establish caring relationships with those in more vulnerable situations. Overall, we hope that through Service Learning students develop values such as respect, empathy and solidarity and at the same time are inspired to work towards a better world.