Practice and Enrichment

This page is dynamic so check often for new sites and ideas. Most recent on top.

TuDiscoveryKids - Games, videos, TV shows, in Spanish.

PakaPaka TV - games, cartoons, teen news show and more. Public television from Argentina for children and teens.

BBC Learn Spanish, Student site - Listening, speaking, writing activities for beginners to more advanced Spanish students.

Happy Learning Spanish - Youtube channel with instructional videos

OnceNiños - Mexican TV channel for children. It has songs, cartoons, TV series, animal shows, documentaries and more. You can access many things for free.

Spanish Listening, Practice Spanish for free

Spanish Proficiency Practice, from beginners to superior level, University of Texas Austin

Spanish Playground - has list of children's sites for learning Spanish

Colby College, Spanish language and Culture, beginners to advanced. Many self-correcting practice videos, songs, audio in Spanish.

IXL Spanish practice - You're limited to ten items on the free account. No need to register with free account.

Zambombazo - Zachary Jones has many authentic resources, created for Spanish students. Includes lots of popular music, updated often.

Mundo Peque Watch Spanish children's videos on Mundo Peque, a Public TV channel on VME, a U.S. Spanish network.

Spanish soccer video - How many adjectives can you hear in this video?

Tuenlínea - Spanish teen magazine