
15 de Septiembre -15 de Octubre: Hispanic Heritage Month. Do you know why it starts on Sept. 15 or why it spans two months? How would you figure it out?

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Sesame Street

Septiembre 2018: Welcome! Fresh start to a new school year, 2018-19. This year the theme for my classes is EXPLORAMOS EL MUNDO. I designed a digital logo for the year and all students will start the year with this badge. We'll work towards earning more language and culture badges, all while learning Spanish.

Note: I made the digital badge with Numbers, an Apple app. I learned how to make them at the MARTL (Maine Apple Regional Teacher Leader) weekend at Bowdoin College in June 2018. Contact me if you want a quick written "how-to" tutorial.

Posts below this are from 2017-18, the first year of this new site.

Noviembre 2017: El Día de los Muertos is celebrated on November 1 & 2 in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Central America. Due to our increasingly global community, we are hearing more and more about the Día de los Muertos in the United States.

One example is the soon-to-be-released Pixar film entitled COCO, a film that takes place in Mexico and the plot revolves around the Día de los Muertos. Here are two videos: 1) the directors are interviewed about the new movie and 2) the real life dog who is like Dante in the movie.

Octubre 2017: Frida, una perra rescatista, es muy famosa después de los sismos en México. Es una heroína.

Aún los gatos quieren a Frida.

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15-October 15 every year. Watch some videos and read more about it at the sites listed below.