Trauma and PTSD

This page contains links to materials prepared by several authors. You will find the links to the original materials on the authors' pages and our Ukrainian translations. The clinical editing of the translations was completed by Alexandra Froese, M.Ed., R.Psych. (SK, Canada).

The following materials were prepared by Carol Vivyan and her colleagues at the

This worksheet may help in work with flashbacks (differentiation between then and now).

The originals of the following documents were created by the Positive Psychology group. They can be found on their website

The following factsheet about traumatic experiences and recovery strategies was prepared by Alexandra Froese, M.Ed., R.Psych. (SK, Canada)

Trauma for adults ukr & eng april 2022.pdf
Досвід травми стаття ukr 2022.pdf

The following factsheet/infographic was prepared by Alexandra Froese, M.Ed., R.Psych. (SK, Canada) and the Whole Family Lab at the University of Waterloo, Canada

Several additional factsheets about reactions to trauma, traumatic grief, psychological first aid and work with refugee families translated by our group can be found on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network website: