Where To Find Help

Technological Components of the Course

There will be consistent and substantial interaction with me and with your classmates in this course. I will post weekly announcements in CANVAS for you for the week, so be sure to enable your notification preferences in CANVAS, so you will receive an email with the announcement. We will use two primary platforms in this course, so be sure you are checking both on a regular basis:

Canvas will be our primary platform in the course. Each week I will post an update, giving you an overview of what is due for the week. The course is set up in a series of Modules, and you will work your way through each Module, each of which represents a week of the course (two due dates). Consider Canvas your “go-to.” You will always begin with new material in Canvas and then progress to the Connect (Publisher’s) platform that we will also use.

Connect logo

Connect is the online Spanish language learning program that we will use in the course. This program has a myriad of videos and other interactive, audio, practice, and writing tools that will help us learn the language. Connect is accessed through the publisher’s website located at connect.mheducation.com.

Canvas Support

McGraw Hill / Connect Support

Become familiar with the McGraw Hill website

Office Hours

Each week, I will be available for drop in office hours. You can ask questions, practice your Spanish, or just drop by to say hola. I'm here to help as best I can, although I am not the best with technical support. If you are having problems with Canvas or Connect, their technical support team can better assist you with your system. I'm just a Spanish teacher 😉

Spanish Tutoring

Free Spanish tutoring is available through the Student Success Center. Please contact them directly:

In Person and Virtual Options are available through the SSCT Website