Course Policies


Confusion is normal during the first week of an online course. Reach out to me if you are unsure what to do. I can help! 

Online learning requires a considerable level of dedication and self-discipline. You want to show that you are active and participating in the course.  While online classes do provide a level of flexibility as to when assignments are completed, the time commitment required to be successful is sometimes more than students expect. Be sure to check the calendar frequently so you know when assignments are due and what is upcoming. 


Spanish 101 is a five-credit course with traditional, face-to-face sections meeting five hours per week. In an online course, students are expected to dedicate the same number of classroom hours as a face-to-face course plus 8-10 hours of homework time per week.  As such, you should expect to spend roughly 10-15 hours per week working in this course.


In online courses, your regular participation is the equivalent of coming to a class held on campus. Participation involves logging in to our course, navigating through the content pages in a module, completing the readings and videos, participating in discussions and other activities, and submitting assignments/quizzes/exams. Your participation is not only an important part of your learning, it will also contribute to the learning of your peers. As members of our learning community, each of us has a responsibility to create an environment in which we can all learn from each other. 

NETIQUETTE is the term commonly used to refer to conventions adopted by Internet users on the web, mailing lists, public forums, and in live chat focused on online communications etiquette. Remember to keep email brief, use correct pronunciation, and refrain from using text language, i.e., u, ur, 2, b4, etc. For more information regarding Netiquette expectations for distance learning courses, please visit: Netiquette for Distance Learning.


Enrolled students that have not logged on to Canvas the first day of the semester to complete the Attendance Verification Assignment will receive an email from me checking in on you. If you do not respond in some way, you will be withdrawn from the course. 

During the semester if an entire week goes by with no activity on your part either through Discussion Board participation, email, or submission of Connect activities, I will check in on you if you forget to participate. If you become inactive, you may be withdrawn.  


It's important to submit work on time; however, I understand that things sometimes come up. With that, you can submit the TAREA homework assignments in CONNECT up to five days late for a 20% grade reduction per day. To create a fair and equitable learning experience for all students, late work is not accepted for tests, partner activities, discussions, or essays. NOTE: the Adaptive Practice work and the Tutorials do not allow me to accept late submissions, so make sure to complete those on time.  


You may find it helpful to print a copy of the course calendar located in the navigation pane in Canvas or on this page. If you believe you have a legitimate circumstance with documentation that warrants an exception, please discuss it with me as soon as possible and before the assignment is due, not after.


I will pair you with 2-3 partners in the class with whom you can complete your weekly partner chats. I will drop your lowest two partner chats so if you miss one or two, it won't kill your grade. 


You can post general (non personal) questions Q&A Form in Canvas. Your questions may be the same ones that other students have, and my replies will be visible to the entire class. The best way to reach me for personal questions is through the Canvas Inbox or Outlook email. When sending an email, please include the TITLE and NAME of the course. I will respond within 24-36 hours, Monday - Friday. Over the weekend, I may not get back to you quite as quickly.


Academic Honesty is essential to the academic community. Students expect that Cuesta College faculty be fair, truthful, and trustworthy. Faculty expect that Cuesta College students share these same values. Students who violate these principles by cheating, plagiarizing, or acting in other academically dishonest ways are subject to disciplinary procedures.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty:

Please review the Cuesta College Student Code of Conduct for further information.


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