
The sponsor’s duty is to see that the one confirmed acts as a true witness to Christ and faithfully fulfils the duties inherent in this sacrament (can. 892)

While it is wonderful for your child's sponsor to be present at the celebration of Confirmation, the sponsor does not have to be present ~ if a sponsor cannot be there in person, you will find  a "proxy" stand in. Your child's sponsor is still "their sponsor" but another adult called a "proxy" stands with your child when they are confirmed. Many parents have asked friends, teachers and other parents of children in our class to be a proxy.

It's time to think about who you and your child will ask to be your child's Confirmation Sponsor! 

Here is some information you MUST consider, before choosing your child's sponsor. If you require more information, please contact a member of the Sacramental Prep team, including  Fr. Nong, Miss MaryAnne, Miss Julie or Miss Louise.

The sponsor should be a godparent(s) from baptism (can. 893 §2), especially if they are still an important part of their life and practicing Catholic as this expresses more clearly the relationship of the sponsor more effective. If not, please find a family member or a member of the community that also fulfills the below requirements:

Your child can have 1 or 2 sponsors. However, if your child is having 2 sponsors, one must be female and one must be male. Sponsors bring rich background and faith life experiences to your child's life - if your child is going to have two, your child should benefit from multiple gender perspectives. If having 2 sponsors, they DO NOT need to be a married couple. A child's parent may NOT sponsor her/his own child.

Be at the end of their 16 year, Baptized, Confirmed and has received their First Holy Eucharist in the Catholic faith.

Be an active Catholic: “An active Catholic is one who attends Sunday and Holy Day Masses regularly and participated in the Sacramental life of the Church,” and living in the state of grace. 

The parameters of living in a State of Grace are Universal (apply to all Catholics at all times) and are NOT created "at the parish" or "by the Sacramental Preparation Team". If you require further clarification on the topic of living in a State of Grace, please contact Fr. Nong at the Parish.

Examples of those who cannot sponsor a child for Confirmation:

-Someone who has been divorced and remarried (without an annulment)

-Someone who does not attend Mass

-Someone who supports abortion

-Someone who supports re-defining marriage

Not be bound by any canonical penalty (excommunication)

Now that you reminded of/familiar with the requirement of your child's sponsor, please click "next"