
Conservation College Scholarship

Each spring, the Southern Brown Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America accepts applications for the Southern Brown Conservation Club Scholarship (annually awarded up to $500). All State of Wisconsin residents that plan to pursue environmental science and/or related conservation programs at the college or technical school level in the Fall/Winter of 2018/2019, as well as students already enrolled in such college or technical degree programs, are encouraged to apply.

Application Guidelines:

For scholarship eligibility, the applicant must be an undergraduate or enrolled in a recognized conservation or environmental-related degree program.

The completed application must be post-marked no later than April 1st of the respective year.

Each submitted application will be screened by the Conservation Club Review Committee. The winning candidate(s) will be notified by the end of May of the respective year.

Please contact or Joe Fritsch (920) 864-7289 if seeking additional assistance.


2018 SBCC Scholarship Application.pdf