Conservation Trail


The Southern Brown Conservation Club trail was made possible due to the insight and generosity of land owners Al and Helen Haese, and efforts of early club members. It continues today with the cooperation of landowner Dale Haese and all current members of Southern Brown Conservation Club (SBCC). The original trail was conceived in 1988 and built in 1989. The trail has transformed over the years--from a simple path through the woods for exploring nature, to an established trail with educational nature signage (plants, birds, animal tracks, etc..), bridges and boardwalks, and a pavilion for club events. We invite you to enjoy and respect this gift of nature through the seasons.

Trail Map:



Map at trail head

Educational signage pertaining to birds, mammals, reptiles, animal tracks, plants, etc...

Winter sunset on the trail

Pavilion used for conservation events

Bridges through lowland areas provide access year-round

Need help identifying local trees? Scattered throughout the trail are signs to help identify local trees!

Members reconstructing bridge along trail.