Part Five

Scene 36 Movie Location: von Trapp home lakeside, Actual Location: Leopoldskron Lake and Frohnburg Palace Salzburg

Kurt: Two

Marta: Three

Liesl: Four

Friedrich: Five

Elsa: Six

Brigitta: Seven

Louisa: Eight. Four

Liesl: Two

Kurt: Seven

Brigitta: Five

Friedrich: Two

Kurt: Six

Elsa: Isn’t this fun? Um, four

Friedrich: I’m number five

Elsa: Oh, yes

Liesl: Eight

Louisa: Two

Kurt: Four

Liesl: Six

Elsa: Ohh! Two

Kurt: Baroness Schraeder, do you mind if we stopped now? We’re tired

Elsa: Oh, whatever you want, dear. We’ll do it again tomorrow.

Max: The country’s so restful, isn’t it? Have some lemonade.

Elsa: Oh, there must be an easier way

Max: I get a fiendish delight thinking of you as the mother of seven

Elsa: Mm-hmm

Max: How do you plan to do it?

Elsa: Darling, haven’t you ever heard of a delightful little thing called boarding school?

Max: Baroness Machiavelli

Elsa: Mm-hmm

Brigitta: Uncle Max, where’s father?

Max: I think he’s in the house. What’s the matter with all you gloomy pusses?

Brigitta: Nothing

Max: I know what we’ll do. Let’s have a rehearsal

Louisa: What for?

Max: Let’s make believe we’re standing on the stage at the festival

Marta: I don’t feel like singing

Gretl: Not without Fräulein Maria

Max: Liesl, get the guitar. Come on, Marta. Everybody into the group. You know your places in the group. Get into your places. That’s right. Now, be cheerful, right? Give us the key, Liesl. Now, impress me

Some Children: Ah

Max: Friedrich, Gretl, why don’t you sing

Gretl: I can’t. I’ve got a sore finger

Max: But you sang so beautifully the night of the party. Come on all of you, sing something, try-try something you know. Enjoy it. Be cheerful. All right, Liesl

Children: The hills are alive with the sound of music

Liesl: Ah, ah, ah, ah

Children: With songs they have sung for a thousand years

Liesl: Ah, ah, ah, ah

Children: The hills fill my heart [Brigitta drops off at “hills” or “fill”]

Liesl: Ah, ah, ah, ah [Kurt drops off, Gretl drops (?)]

Rest of Children: With the sound of music

Liesl: Ah, ah, ah, ah

Max: They, uh, just wanted to sing for me, bless their hearts

Georg: That’s lovely, lovely. Don’t stop. Hmm?

Elsa: Uh, something long and cool, Georg?

Georg: No, thank you, darling

Brigitta: Father?

Georg: Yes, Brigitta?

Brigitta: Is it true Fräulein Mariaisn’tcoming back?

Georg: Fräulein Maria? Yes, I suppose it’s true, yes. What have we got here?

Elsa: Pink lemonade

Max: Laced with, uh, lemonade

Georg: Ohh

Brigitta: I don’t believe it, Father

Georg: Hmm? Don’t believe what, darling?

Brigitta: About Fräulein Maria

Georg: oh, Fräulein Maria. Didn’t I tell you what her note said? Oh, I’m sure I did. She said she missed her life at the abbey too much, she had to leave us. And that’s all there is to it. I think I’m brave enough to try some of that.

Louisa: She didn’t even say good-bye

Georg: She did in her note

Louisa: That isn’t the same thing

Elsa: Not too sweet, not too sour

Max: Just too, uh, pink

Gretl: Father?

Georg: Hmm?

Gretl: Who is our new governess going to be?

Georg: Well, you’re not going to have a governess anymore

Children collective: We’re not?

Georg: No. You’re going to have a new mother

Liesl: A new mother?

Georg: We talked about it last night. It’s all settled. And we’re all going to be very happy. Hmm? Well, all right, all right, all right, now run off and play

Scene 37 Movie Location: Nonnberg Abbey, Actual Locations: Nonnberg Abbey and Studio USA? Salzburg?

Nun: Yes, my children?

Liesl: Uh, my name is Liesl

Nun: Yes, Liesl?

Liesl: We—my brothers and sister—we want to see Fräulein Maria

Nun: Fräulein Maria? Oh, Maria! Come in please. Wait here

Sister Margaretta: I’m Sister Margaretta. I understand you’ve been inquiring about Maria

Friedrich: We have to see her. Will you tell her we’re here, please?

Sister Margaretta: I’m afraid I can’t do that

Louisa: Oh, but you’ve got to! We have to see her

Marta: She’s our governess

Gretl: We want her back

Kurt: She didn’t even say good-bye

Brigitta: It’s very important

Liesl: All we want to do is talk to her

Sister Margaretta: I’m very sorry children, but Maria is in seclusion. She hasn’t been seeing anyone

Friedrich: She’ll see us, I know she will

Gretl: I want to show her my finger

Sister Margaretta: Oh, some other time, dear. I’ll tell her that you were here. It was sweet of you to call

Brigitta: Oh, we have to speak to her!

Marta: Please

Sister Margaretta: Run along, children, run along home

Friedrich: I’m sure she’d like to see us. Sister Margaretta

Children collective: Please, please

Sister Margaretta: Good-bye, children

Children Collective: please, please

Mother: What was that about, Sister Margaretta?

Sister Margaretta: The von Trapp children, reverend Mother. They want to see Maria

Mother: Has she spoken yet? Has she told you anything?

Sister Margaretta: She hasn’t said a word, Reverend Mother, except in prayer

Mother: Poor child

Sister Margaretta: It’s strange. She-she seems happy to be back here, and yet, and yet she’s unhappy too

Mother: Perhaps I have been wrong in leaving her alone so long. I think you better bring her to me, even if she’s not yet ready

Sister Margaretta: Yes, Reverend Mother

Mother: Sister Augusta, take our new postulant to the robing room. God bless you, my daughter. Ave!

Scene 38 [same as scene 37?]

Mother: Yes, bring her in. You’ve been unhappy. I’m sorry

Maria: Reverend Mother

Mother: Why did they send you back to us?

Maria: They didn’t send me back, Mother, I left

Mother: Sit down, Maria. Tell me what happened

Maria: Well, I-I was frightened

Mother: Frightened? Were they unkind to you?

Maria: Oh, no! No, I was, I was confused. I-I felt. I’ve never felt that way before. I couldn’t stay. I knew that here I’d be away from it. I’d be safe

Mother: Maria, our abbey is not used as an escape. What is it you can’t face?

Maria: I can’t face him again

Mother: Him? Thank you, Sister Margaretta. Captain von Trapp? Are you in love with him?

Maria: I don’t know! I don’t know. I—the Baroness said I was. She-she said that he was in love with me, but -II didn’t want to believe it. Oh, there were times when we would look at each other. Oh, Mother, I could hardly breath

Mother: Did you let him see how you felt?

Maria: If I did I didn’t know it. That’s what’s been torturing me. I was there on God’s errand. To have asked for his love would have been wrong. I couldn’t stay. I just couldn’t. I’m ready at this moment to take my vows. Please help me

Mother: Maria. The love of a man and a woman is holy too. You have a great capacity to love. What you must find out is how God wants you to spend your love.

Maria: But I’ve pledged my life to God. I-I’ve pledged my life to his service.

Mother: My daughter, if you love this man, it doesn’t mean you love God less. No. You must find out. You must go back

Maria: Oh Mother, you can’t ask me to do that. Please, let me stay. I beg of you

Mother: Maria.

Scene 39 [same as scene 38 and Leopoldskron Lakeside]

Mother: These walls were not built to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live. Climb every mountain. Search high and low. Follow every byway, every path you know. Climb every mountain. Ford every stream. Follow every rainbow. Till you find your dream. A dream that will need all the love you can give. Every day of your life, for as long as you live. Climb every mountain. Ford every stream. Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream. A dream that will need all the love you can give. Every day of your life, for as long as you live. Climb every mountain. Ford every stream. Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream

Georg: Now, it’s not like my children to be secretive

Louisa: We’re not being secretive, Father

Georg: Mm-hmm. And it’s not like my children to be late for dinner

Friedrich: We lost track of the time

Georg: Ah, I see

Kurt: Yes

Georg: All right now, who’s going to be the first one to tell me the truth? Friedrich? Brigitta? Liesl?

Liesl: Where do you think we were, Father?

Georg: Hmm? Now

Liesl: Well, if you don’t believe us, you must have some idea where you think we were

Georg: Aha, Marta

Marta: Yes, Father?

Georg: You tell me

Marta: Friedrich told you, Father. We were berry picking

Georg: I forgot! You were berry picking!

Brigitta: Yes, we loved it

Children collective: Yeah, yeah

Georg: All afternoon?

Louisa: We picked thousands of them

Georg: Thousands?

Kurt: I got the most

Friedrich: All over the place

Georg: What kind of berries?

Friedrich: Uh, blueberries, sir

Georg: Blueberries! Mmm!

Children collective: Yes, yes, of course

Georg: It’s, uh, too early for blueberries

Friedrich: They were strawberries

Georg: Strawberries?

Friedrich: It’s been so cold lately they turned blue

Georg: Ah, very well. Show me the berries

Louisa: Um

Brigitta: We

Louisa: Well

Georg: Show me the berries you picked, come on

Kurt: We don’t have them anymore

Georg: You don’t have them anymore, well, what happened to them?

Kurt: Well, we, we

Brigitta: We ate them

Georg: You ate them?

Children collective: Yes, we ate them

Georg: All of them?

Gretl: They were delicious

Liesl: They were so juicy

Georg: Very well. Since you’ve obviously stuffed yourselves full of thousands of delicious berries, you can’t be hungry anymore, so I’ll just have to simply tell Frau Schmidt to, uh, skip your dinner.

Kurt: It’s all your fault. We should have told him the truth

Friedrich: And made him boiling mad at us?

Kurt: It’s better than starving to death

Louisa: We didn’t do anything wrong. We just wanted to see her.

Kurt: My stomach’s making noises

Marta: The least they could have done was to let us say hello

Kurt: I wonder what grass tastes like

Gretl: I feel awful

Brigitta: When Fräulein Maria wanted to feel better she used to sing that song, remember?

Liesl: Yes

Scene 40 [same as end of scene 39]

Brigitta: Let’s try it

Brigitta and Liesl: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Brigitta , Liesl, Louisa, Kurt and Friedrich (?): Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Children: Brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things

Gretl: Why don’t I feel better?

Children: Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Children and Maria: Snowflakes that stay on nose and eyelashes [children fad out during this line]

Maria: Silver white winters

Kurt: Fräulein Maria, she’s back

Children collective: she’s back

Maria: that melt into springs. These are a few of my favorite things. When the dog bites when the bee stings

Friedrich: Fräulein Maria

Maria: When I’m feeling sad. [Children join in at least by the next line]

Maria and Children: I simply remember my favorite things and then I don’t feel so bad

Maria: Oh, children, I’m so glad to see you

Marta: We missed you

Maria: Oh, I missed you. Kurt, how are you?

Kurt: Hungry

Maria: Gretl, what happened to your finger?

Gretl: It got caught

Maria: Caught in what?

Gretl: Friedrich’s teeth

Maria: Liesl, you all right?

Liesl: Just fair

Maria: Many telegrams been delivered here lately?

Liesl: None at all Fräulein, but I’m learning to accept it. I’ll be glad when school begins

Maria: Oh Liesl, you can’t use school to escape your problems. You have to face them. Oh, I have so much to tell you all.

Louisa: We have things to tell you too

Maria: I’m sure you do

Brigitta: The most important thing is that Father is going to be married

Maria: Married?

Louisa: Yes, to Baroness Schraeder

Maria: Oh, I see

Brigitta: Oh, Father, look!

Children collective: Fräulein Maria has come back

Friedrich: Fräulein Maria’s come back from the abbey

Maria: Good evening captain

Georg: Good evening. All right, everyone inside. Go and get your dinner

Kurt: Dinner!

Georg: You left without saying god-bye. Even to the children

Maria: Well, it was wrong of me. Forgive me

Georg: Why did you?

Maria: Please don’t ask me. Anyway, the reason no longer exists

Elsa: Fräulein Maria, you’ve returned. Isn’t it wonderful, Georg?

Maria: May I wish you every happiness, Baroness; you too Captain. The Children tell me you’re to be married

Elsa: Thank you my dear

Georg: You are back to, uh, stay?

Maria: Only until arrangements can be made for another governess

Foreground picture: Here is where Maria meets the children after returning from the abbey