Part Eight

Scene 56 ending & 57 & 58 Movie Location Nonnberg Abbey, Actual Locations: Nonnberg Abbey, Studio USA

Mother: Come with me. Quickly, quickly. I have a place you can hide. Slowly, slowly

Herr Zeller: Open this gate!

Sister Berthe: Good evening

Herr Zeller: Hurry up, woman. Two men in there! Six of you, fan out and cover the yard. You two, cover the corridor

[scene 57]

Maria: Oh, Reverend Mother, we didn’t realize we’d put the abbey in this danger

Mother: No, Maria, it was right for you to come here

Georg: We thought we might borrow your caretaker’s car

Mother: I’m afraid our car will do you no good now. I’ve been listening to the wireless, the borders have just been closed

Georg: All right, the borders are closed then we’ll drive up into the hills and go over those mountains on foot

Maria: The children?

Georg: We’ll help them. They’ll be all right.

Friedrich: We can do it without help, father

Mother: Maria, you will not be alone. Remember: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help” [Psalm 121:1]

Maria: Yes, Mother

Marta: I’m scared

Brigitta: Me too

Mother: God be with you

Gretl: Mother

Maria: Yes

Gretl: Would it help if sang about our favorite things?

Maria: No, darling. This is one time it would not help. You must be very quiet. Hold tight to me

[scene 58]

Lieutenant: Come on, let’s try the roof

Liesl: Rolf, please

Georg: No, wait. Maria, children

Rolf: It’s you we want, not them

Georg: Put that down

Rolf: Not another move or I’ll-I’ll shoot

Georg: You’re only a boy. You don’t really belong to them

Rolf: Stay where you are

Georg: Come away with us, before it’s too late

Rolf: Not another step. I’ll kill you

Georg: You give that to me, Rolf

Rolf: Did you hear me? I’ll kill you

Georg: Rolf. You’ll never be one of them

Rolf: Lieutenant, Lieutenant, they’re here, they’re here, Lieutenant

Sister Margaretta: Reverend Mother, I have sinned

Sister Berthe: I, too, Reverend Mother

Mother: What is this sin my children?

Background Picture: St. Peter's Cemetery was the inspiration for the scene in the movie which was filmed in a studio, USA

Scene 59 Movie Location: Untersberg?, Actual Location: Crest of Mount Rossfeld

Choir: A dream that will need all the love you can give. Every day of your life, for as long as you live. Climb every mountain, ford every stream. Follow every rainbow till you find your dream

Pictures of the Rossfeld Crest at the end of the movie. The one day I had bad weather--too bad because it would have been spectacular. The one on the left is in the direction the family was walking in the last scene.

The Untersberg as seen from the Eagle's Nest, not far from Rossfeld and the very last scene in the movie.

Various Other pictures from Movie