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Prospective Graduate Students

Dr. Derrick is currently reviewing applications for a new graduate student to begin in Fall 2024.

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Derrick's research, please contact her directly. Dr. Derrick likes to get to know potential applicants. However, please do not send Dr. Derrick questions about the application process at the University of Houston. Information about the application process is available at:

Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunities 

Research Assistants are crucial to our research, and we are very appreciative of the work that they do. Here in our lab, Research Assistants will receive an opportunity to learn about the research process through hands-on experiences. Not only will you gain research experience by volunteering but you will also have the opportunity to work with individuals experienced in the research field, participate in group discussions, learn more about psychology and the literature, receive letters of recommendation for graduate school, internships, etc., and potentially be a candidate for a paid employment position when funding is available.  

Duties and Responsibilities: Research Assistants will be responsible primarily for project maintenance, more specifically, assisting in recruitment of participants, running participants through study procedures, handling telephone calls, assisting with questionnaire development, and other such project needs. Research Assistants will also assist the Team Leaders with preparing and organizing data and materials for the primary grant-funded studies and additional side projects.                                            

Qualifications: Research Assistants will work 8-10 hours per week per semester.  One of these hours will include our weekly lab meeting. Research Assistants can either receive course credit (3 credit hours) or work as a volunteer. A two-semester commitment is preferred but not required. Research Assistants are expected to interact with others professionally and to ensure the confidentiality of all information in the lab. Students with interest and/or experience with social psychology and who are comfortable working with both statistical data and human participants are encouraged to apply.

How to apply: Email for more information. Please do not email Dr. Derrick to ask about research assistant positions. The Social Processes Lab graduate students and lab managers vet potential applicants before Dr. Derrick becomes involved in the hiring process.