If you have questions regarding our lab that are not answered below, please email us at socialprocesslab@gmail.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we do?

A: Research of course! Our primary focus of research is the study of social influences on self-regulation and health behaviors (including substance use). We have recently begun to incorporate a health disparities focus to our work as well, examining unique predictors of health and health behaviors in Hispanic/Latino/a individuals and sexual minority individuals. Read more here!

How can I participate in research?

A: We have a list of our available studies here:  Want to take part in research? 

Where are we located?

We are located in the basement of the Heyne Building on the main campus of the University of Houston. 

What field of psychology is our primary focus?

Most of our projects are related to Social, Personality, and Health Psychology, but they often involve other aspects of Psychology. For more project-related information, please see our Publications, Presentations, and About Our Research.

How do I become a Graduate Student in the Social Processes Lab?

Please see here: Apply to work with us! 

How do I become a Research Assistant in the Social Processes Lab? 

Please see here: Apply to work with us! 

What kind of work environment is our lab?

We would describe our lab as a team oriented environment. Here we strongly encourage sharing ideas and working with others. As of Fall 2023, we have largely returned to an in-person environment.

Is there a daycare center where I can leave my child while I work or participate in research?

No, as of now we do not have any such facilities.