

第75回  427日(土)(大阪公立大学杉本キャンパス理学部棟数学大講究室 (E408))


Laurent Di Menza (Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)

Some aspects of Schrodinger models

In this talk, we focus on basic facts about the Schrodinger equation that arises in various physical contexts, from quantum mechanics to gravitational systems. This kind of equation has been intensively studied in the literature and many properties are known, either from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. The goal of this presentation is to give basic properties of solutions in different regimes. A particular effort will be paid for the numerical computation of solitons that consist in solutions that propagate with shape invariance.

運営委員 :高橋太,  砂川秀明, 壁谷喜継, 物部治徳, 菅徹, 濱本直樹, 佐川侑司, 阿部健(大阪公立大学・理)