Dr. Yerasani Sinjana

PhD IIT Kharagpur

Faculty of Decision Sciences & Operations

School of Management and Entrepreneurship

IIT Jodhpur


Email: sinjana@iitj.ac.in

Prof. Sinjana holds a PhD degree in the area of Industrial and Systems Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. Her primary area of research is Vehicle Routing problems & Social Networks. Before joining IIT Jodhpur, she worked as an intern at EPFL Switzerland & NCTU, Taiwan. During her career, she has gained substantial knowledge and research experience in the areas of Machine Learning, Operations Research, Logistics & Supply Chain Management among others. Sinjana’s teaching interest lies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management & Operations Management. Her research has been published in some of the world’s leading publications such as International Journal of Information Management and has also presented her work in various conferences.

Research Interests

Vehicle Routing problems

Social Networks

Teaching Interests

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Operations Management



          • Dolgui, A., Tiwari, M. K., Sinjana, Y., Kumar, S. K., & Son, Y. J. (2018). Optimising integrated inventory policy for perishable items in a multi-stage supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 902-925.

          • Yerasani, S., Appam, D., Sarma, M., & Tiwari, M. K. (2019). Estimation and maximization of user influence in social networks. International Journal of Information Management, 47, 44-51.

          • Yerasani, S., Tripathi, S., Sarma, M., & Tiwari, M. K. (2019). Exploring the effect of dynamic seed activation in social networks. International Journal of Information Management, 102039


  • Y Sinjana, B R Chaudhury, M Sarma, M K Tiwari, “Maximizing the Influence of Individuals in a Social Network by Competitive Supply Chains Using Nash Equilibrium”, EBSCC 2016.

  • Y Sinjana, R S Srivastava, M Sarma, M K Tiwari, “Application of Random Forests Algorithm in Apparel Industry for Demand Forecasting”, Fourth International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence 2016.

  • Sinjana Yerasani, Monalisa Sarma, Manoj Kumar Tiwari. “Influence Maximization and Revenue Optimization in Apparel Supply Chain using Social Networking”, Thirteenth International Conference on Web and Internet Economics 2017.

  • Y Sinjana, M Sarma & M K Tiwari, "Dynamic Seed Identification and Activation for Influence Maximization”, INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona

  • Mu-Chen Chen, Sinjana Yerasani and Manoj Kumar Tiwari (2019, April), “Apply Neighborhood-Based Crowding Differential Evolution to Solve the 3-Dimensional Vehicle Routing Problem”, ICIEA 2019, Tokyo, Japan